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A cold shower does not make a drunk person sober, all you will get out of that is a wet drunk. Only time will help

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Q: What temp should the shower be if you are drunk?
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Can you get drunk quicker in the shower?


Can you take shower with strep throat and 101 temp?

Yes. But you should feel comfortable during and after the bath.

Why do we put drunk people in cold showers?

"We" don't. Putting a drunk in a shower doesn't sober him up, and you run a very real risk that he will be injured in the shower, or become combative. I certainly would have.

Should you shower now or tomorrow?

Ideally, you should shower daily.

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Which is correct grammar- They should have drank the juice.......or They should have drunk the juice?

They should have drank the juice

Are cold showers or drinking strong hot coffee effective ways to sober up after drinking alcohol?

These help, but time is the best way to sober up. You should take advantage of a designated driver or a taxi when you recognize you are drunk.

What shower value should I use?

Depends what shower you have.

Should you shower after you eat?

No, You Should Actually Eat Before You Have A Shower, Better For Your Digestion.

What should I do if my shower knob is broken?

If your shower knob is broken, you should contact a plumber to repair or replace it to ensure proper functioning of your shower.

What temperature should shower water be?

Local codes and preferences will differ, but I believe most of us shower above 105, 110 is ideal for available showering temp, and it should not exceed 120, which is borderline scalding. I set my hot water heater at 140 degrees, because this provides 3x as much 110 degree water as setting it at 120.

You are a father and you shower with your daughter she is only 28 months should you not do that or when is it the age you should not shower with her?

no you weirdo