"We" don't. Putting a drunk in a shower doesn't sober him up, and you run a very real risk that he will be injured in the shower, or become combative. I certainly would have.
Put a&d oiment on it but no hit showers or warm has to be slightly cold
No. Luke warm water works though.
so after showers your wet hair {if you have any} wont get your pillow pet wet
put water in a bag then put pock holes in it and wolla a shouer
No. The question aludes to a popular misconception; in most death camps women and children were put into rooms which were made to look like showers, but were not. The actual showers were used, but children had no place in a death camp, only adults would work there. Auschwitz as ever is a slightly different story, people who arrived did go to the showers upon arrival and those going into the family camp may have women and children showering together, but there were very few of these.
Put some Aloe stuff on it, it may burn but it helps it a lot. Take cold baths and showers or try soaking the sunburned area with a cold towel. Also, try not to get exposd again with a sunburn cuz it may hurt
ummm well.. nothing really its just a typical sunburn but on your face. the best way to get ride of it... lots of sunscreen put some Alvera stuff on it... take cold showers and you'll be good to go.(:
Put Kaluah in it.
People put steaks on bruises because the meat is cold and it helps the bruise to not get to bad.
cause you put it in cold water... so it makes it cold.
Military bases employed MANY people. When the cold war ended in 1990, base closures put MANY people out of work.
maybe it depends on how drunk he is