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Q: What does E.T. get drunk on?
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What does ET drunk when Elliott leaves him at home alone?

He gets drunk on beer he takes from the fridge when he is home alone. He gets drunk on COORS beer!!

What does ET drunk on when Elliott leaves him at home alone?

He gets drunk on beer he takes from the fridge when he is home alone. He gets drunk on COORS beer!!

What does ET drink?

(If You Give Him Some You Get Drunk To!) According To The Movie, Beer?

What does et gets drunk on when Elliot leave him at home alone?


What does ET get drunk on when Elliott leaves him at home alone?

what does E.T. get drunk on when elliott leaves him at home alone?

What does et get drunk on when Elliot leaves him home alone?

Something akin to sympathetic empathy or as Mr. Spock would have it a Mind Touch or psychological personality meld- not too different from ESP.

What beer did ET get drunk off of?

The Quiet Man, a 1952 movie with John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara, directed by John Ford.

What does drunk with fatigue in Wilfred Owen's 'Dulce Et Decorum Est' mean?

It means that thesoldiers are so tired that they are inebriated by their exhaustion. They are not in control of what they are doing and are, in a sense, marching on autopilot. This idea is reinforced by the minor sentence "Men marched asleep".

What past participle do you use with drunk?

The past participle used with "drunk" is "drunk." For example, "He has drunk too much."

What is the perfect tense of drink?

The past perfect tense of drink is: (He) had drunk.

When you are drunk what do you do?

Depends on how drunk you are :)

What do you do when somebody is Drunk?

Get drunk with him/her?