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I'd say a mid amount. It does have blood, goo, and open wounds, but its not a splatterfest.

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Q: How gory is the movie Pet Semetary?
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What is pet semetary?

Pet Semetery is a movie based on a book by Stephen King.

What was the boys name in pet semetary?

Gage Creed

Who is the author of Carrie and Pet Semetary?

Stephen King.

What are the release dates for Phelous and the Movies - 2008 Pet Semetary Two 2-6?

Phelous and the Movies - 2008 Pet Semetary Two 2-6 was released on: USA: 4 March 2010

How many words are in Stephen King's Pet Semetary?

There are approximately 146,000 words in Stephen King's novel "Pet Sematary."

What happens at the end of pet semetary?

The deceased mother returns from the dead due to the curse of being buried beyond the pet cemetery, and kills the father.

What is an interesting book by Stephen King?

I recommend It, Pet Semetary, and The Green Mile. Or if your into shorter stories, Night Shift

Is pirates of the Caribbean 3 gory?

there are a little creepy scenes, but the movie on the whole is'nt much 'gory'

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What is the most gory movie ever made?

The HUman Centapiede

What is a good gory movie?

If you're looking for a gory movie, I would reccomend "The Human Centipede 2". That is the most disgusting, crazy movie I have ever seen. Trust me, that movie is pretty hardcore. It made me want to throw up, but it's good. :)

Is pet semetary by Stephen King banned?

"Pet Sematary" by Stephen King has been challenged and banned in some places due to its content, which includes violence, death, and supernatural themes. However, it remains widely available and is not universally banned.