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The cat does die in Pet Semetery, it is hit by a truck and found at the edge of the yard. However, they did not actually kill the animal to make the movie.

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9y ago

Movies are not real. They can't actually kill anyone or anything in a movie.

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9y ago

In the story a cat dies, becomes a 'zombie' of sorts, then is killed again. However, no real cat was killed or harmed during the making of Pet Sematary.

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7y ago

Of course not.

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Q: Did they really kill the pet cat in the movie pet cemetery?
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Did they kill a real cat in pet cemetery?

no.a pet cemetery is a place that you can bring your pet when it dies and you can put it in a grave there,and visit whenever you want to.

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The breed is a Moggie

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i No This Sounds Stupid, But a Really Lazy Cat... Because their Instinct is to kill birds. so it has to real lethargic to not be bothered to do it.. Good luck with that one

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No it's not true. Certain species of snakes can kill a person so they can kill a cat.

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no! a cat may kill a buzzard ..ALSO A FOX CANT KILL A HEALTHY CAT

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depends on what the cat is killing, it can kill a mouse, but it can't kill an elephant

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It is passable to kill a cat in the right situation.

What kind of cat is Church from Pet Cemetery?

In the movie at least he is a British Shorthair google that and see if that matches your image of Church -Second Answer- Could also be a Russian Blue. They are extremely similar looking.

Would a stoat kill your cat?

A stoat could kill a cat if it is stronger than the cat. If a stoat has a disease and bites the cat or causes injury, it could kill the cat. Otherwise a cat will usually be able to defend itself from a stoat.

Why did the family decide to bury the cat in the backyard instead of taking it to a pet cemetery?

The family decided to bury the cat in the backyard instead of taking it to a pet cemetery because they wanted to keep the cat close to home and have a more personal and private way to remember and honor their beloved pet.