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Well, there are different theories about how Shaak Ti actually died. Most fans believe that she was slaughtered by General Grievous, as seen in the deleted scene from Revenge of the Sith, "Grievous Slaughters a Jedi". This deleted scene, like most deleted scenes from films, is not considered canon. This means that it never happened. The official script for Revenge of the Sith states that Anakin Skywalker entered her room while she was deep in meditation and stabbed her before she could respond. This is not considered canon, either. As stated by Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Encyclopedia, she died in a duel with Galen Marek. (You may know him as Darth Vader's secret apprentice from the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Video Games.) There were several beliefs that Ti died in the attack on the Jedi Temple. But this is what really happened. When Anakin informed Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin, and Agen Kolar that Palpatine was a Sith lord, Windu left Shaak Ti in charge of the Jedi Temple. While deep in meditation, she sensed a disturbance in the Force and rallied up the other Jedi in the Temple. They bravely fought against Skywalker and the 501st Legion that had stormed the Temple, but they had been outnumbered, and Shaak Ti reluctantly retreated. She hid on the planet of Felucia, where her fellow Jedi Barriss Offee and Aayla Secura were killed. There, she found a scared and confused Padawan known as Maris Brood. Although she was reluctant to train her to be a Jedi after watching both of her former Padawans die, she accepted Brood as her apprentice. When Galen Marek came to the planet to kill Shaak Ti, he engaged her in a duel in which she toppled into the Ancient Abyss and died. This caused not only Maris Brood to fall to the Dark Side, but the planet of Felucia as well.

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14y ago
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Shaak Ti died on Felucia by Vader's apprentice, Starkiller. He was sent to kill her and she was mortally wounded by him and then soon died

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14y ago

No after she had a baby she reached immortality. Her baby was Admiral Ackbar.

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15y ago

After the events of Revenge Of The Sith, she goes into hiding on a plant filled planet called Felucia but Darth Vader's secret apprentice hunts her down and diminishes her.

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Darth Vader

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Shaak Ti is a character known from anything that has to do with Star Wars. This character is portrayed by many different actresses in the different forms.

Is there a novel with shaak ti in it?

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