She was killed by clones by being shot through the stomach or chest.
She was killed in the Great Jedi Purge in 19 BBY. See Wookieepedia for more info.
No. Aayla is a Twi'lek and Shaak Ti is a Togruta, so they can't be sisters. But they are among the most well-known female Jedi and are some of the best
Barriss Offee got killed on felucia helping aayla secura during order 66. On the movie you don't see her with aalya secura but if you read the comics you do. Barriss Offee is on another part of the planet with some clones when emperor palpatine orders the clones to kill her. Barriss Offee dies from a shot from an at-te walker blaster cannon. Just like obi-wan on utapau but she dies and he doesn't.
She was shot in the the back by the clones.
Aayla Secura is not in Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga.
Aayla Secura, she is a Twi'lek.
Seriously dude?
Yes. In 19 BBY on Felucia during the execution of Order 66.
All I know is that Aayla Secura will not be because she was killed by her troops during Order 66.
Aayla Secura comes out with the Lego Star Wars Clone Turbo Tank. The tank comes out in August 2010.
No. First of all, Aayla Secura is only on Battlefront 2and Battlefront 1 was released even before the PSP came into existence.
Yeah, you could look on the link below or eBay.