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Barriss Offee got killed on felucia helping aayla secura during order 66. On the movie you don't see her with aalya secura but if you read the comics you do. Barriss Offee is on another part of the planet with some clones when emperor palpatine orders the clones to kill her. Barriss Offee dies from a shot from an at-te walker blaster cannon. Just like obi-wan on utapau but she dies and he doesn't.

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A AT-TE shot her while she was killing a Droid

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Did Barriss Offee have a husband?

No because Jedi were not allowed to get married

How old was barriss offee when she died?

She was eighteen years old it says barriss has grown much after she had became Jedi Knight

How old is Barriss Offee in the Clone Wars?

Well Barriss Offee was born in 42 BBY and died in 19 BBY. But the official timeline for The Clone Wars hasn't been decided yet. So that's a hard question to answer

Did barriss offee love uli?

No she loved another her masters secret apprentice Jeremiah sirorion

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What happens in Star wars clone wars brain invaders?

Ahsoka and Barriss Offee are taking a medical frigate to a medical center (Kit Fisto is there). Brain controlling parasites invade clone troopers brains, forcing them to turn against the jedi. After all the clones are invaded, Barriss feels that they should split up. Barriss gets controlled then duels Ahsoka. Ahsoka contacts her master, while hiding, and asks him what to do. Anakin says make it cold. Ahsoka turns of heater then pulls pipes that shoot frost into Barriss's face, then all parasites die. Anakin has a talk with his Padawan.

Is barriss offee in any Star Wars video games?

I don't believe she is in any video games, but she does show up in several books.

Will Aayla Secura Adi Galia Even Piel Oppo Ransis Durge Aura Sing Valorumn Shaak Ti Stass Allie and Barris Offee appear in the Clone Wars TV series?

Aayla Secura, Barriss Offee, Adi Gallia and Aurra Sing have already appeared in the series. Shaak Ti will appear in Season 3 that will begin in the fall of 2010. But as for Stass Allie, Valorum, Even Piell, Oppo Rancisis, and Durge: I don't think so.

What has the author Barriss Mills written?

Barriss Mills has written: 'Occasions and silences' 'Roughened roundnesses' 'The Idylls of Theokritos'

What will happen to Ahoska Tano in star wars the clone wars season 5?

Her own best friend, Barriss Offee, went down the dark path and bombed the Jedi Temple and Ahsoka Tano got framed for murdering the bombing suspect. When Anakin found the truth, Ahsoka decided to leave because before her innocence was proven, the Council expelled her and she was put on trial

Will shaak ti ever appear in the clone wars?

I would say so, I never knew that Barriss Offee, Adi Gallia & Eeth Koth would appear in Season 2, I also want to see Saesee Tinn. Only watching the up coming Clone Wars episodes will tell. Yes, Shaak Ti is confirmed to appear in the third season. She is seen in the trailer for the upcoming season.

What movie and television projects has Nalini Krishan been in?

Nalini Krishan has: Played Pooja (University Friend) in "Prem Aggan" in 1998. Played Elevator Girl in "Pizza" in 2000. Played Barriss Offee in "Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones" in 2002. Played Mrs. Rahabi (2007) in "The Benvenuti Family" in 2007. Played (2010) in "N Guard: Defenders of Gaia" in 2009. Played Bollywood Dancer in "Posey" in 2012. Played Vishakha in "Love You Krishna" in 2014.