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Yes. I think you have to buy a ps2/ps3 usb headset, then plug it into your ps2 in one of the usb slots, then enter swbf2 multiplayer, then start a game, then pause and go to options and look around for for an option called voice chat or something. You click on it but I don't know anything from there. Sorry for wasting your time if im wrong!:$

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15y ago

For the computer, I assume. Press Print Screen (a button above Home and Page Up), go to Paint (Run>mspaint), and paste (Ctrl+V). This for Windows, not Macs.

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14y ago

you dont or you need a headset

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Q: How do you take screenshots in Star Wars battlefront 2?
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How do you take screenshots in Star Wars Battlefront?

Some games support pushing the print screen button to take screenshots. otherwise check out the ps3 forums.

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Yep. Disney is working on it. Immediately after Disney aquired LucasFilm and the rights to Star Wars they announced another trilogy. The First of which, Episode VII is set to release in 2015. Disney has also announced several additional films focusing solely on certain characters. Han Solo and Boba Fett have been confirmed. The new Trilogy is supposed to take place some 20-30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi with Mark Hamil, Carrie Fischer, and Harrsion Ford all set to reprise their roles. The Han Solo Film is supposed to take place somewhere between the events of Episode III and Episode IV, meaning a new Han Solo will need to be cast.

Where can you download Star Wars Battlefront 2 for PC?

Battlefront II isn't a download. It's a disc. You go to say, a GameStop and look under PC. If they have it, you buy it and take it home and run all 9 discs through your computer. Then, you use the first disc to play the game.

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We do not know for sure. The last news is that it is currently trapped in production and no studio has decided to take the project up.We may see an announcement of it soon at E3, be we do not know for sure.

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We do not know when SWBF 3 will come out. The last news is that it is currently trapped in production and no studio has decided to take the project up.We may see an announcement of it soon at E3, be we do not know for sure.

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We do not know when SWBF 3 will come out. The last news is that it is currently trapped in production and no studio has decided to take the project up.We may see an announcement of it soon at E3, be we do not know for sure.

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there is a glitch if you press triangle at exactly the right time when flying out the hanger the game glitches and you can walk in space! it is very hard to do though and may take some time but is exremely funny

Is Star Wars battlefront 3 released on the 15 march?

We do not know when SWBF 3 will come out. The last news is that it is currently trapped in production and no studio has decided to take the project up.We may see an announcement of it soon at E3, be we do not know for sure.

Tell you now when will Star Wars Battlefront 3 come out?

We do not know when SWBF 3 will come out. The last news is that it is currently trapped in production and no studio has decided to take the project up.We may see an announcement of it soon at E3, be we do not know for sure.

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