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Q: How do you take down the ship on Star Wars the force unleashed?
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How do you go force fury in star wars force unleashed 2?

You push both of the analog sticks down simultaneously!

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hold the z button and turn the nunchuck upside down.

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starwars by far simpsons game is a let down

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No Scarface is very old n not worth it Star wars was a watered down version of the ps3/360

How do you beat Star Wars the Force Unleashed on the dark side?

Found out by myself jump down and fight Vader in stead of fighting the emperor.

How do you get better at star wars the force unleashed 2?

Practice is probably your best bet or you could be a pansy and turn down the difficulty setting.

How do you do the dark side ending on star wars the force unleashed?

Jump down the staircase when you are at Vader and you will fight him witch will unlock the dark side ending.

Are there cheat codes for Starwars the Force Unleashed?

yes there is but I forgt them so search up star wars the force unleashed cheats and click n the first link.the force unleashed 2 cheats yu have to unlock them on the game people that put cheats on for no.2 are all lies.

How do you get the sith stalker armour in Star Wars The Force Unleashed?

cheat or kill Darth Vader 2 times on the death star Instead of running towards the emperor, jump down to the right

What is the Star Wars the force unleashed invincibility cheat code?

There is a code but yesturday i was killing then i noticed that i would not run out of hp and when the robots shot me i would not fall down lol and nothing hurt me until i got to the next lvl

How do you get cheat codes for Star Wars the force unleashed?

I found a good website to use is:, it has a very good list of cheats for Star Wars the Force Unleashed but if you what to get more cheats in the future then I suggest just scrolling through the Internet and eventually you will come across the cheats you need. Copy the address to access the website, by highlighting it and pressing 'Ctrl-c', to paste into address bar press 'Ctrl-v' be sure to hold down both keys at the same time for pasting and copying.

Who is stronger Naruto or Star Wars?

STAR WARS HANDS DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!