get lots of big cardboard boxes and paint them. Then cut out some doors. Put some cushions inside.
No. Tardis's are grown in Galfrey and because this planet is gone you cannot get one. The Doctor has the only one in existence apart from the one which he built on house which was used to materialise inside the Doctor's TARDIS and kill the Ood (Uncle). If you could peice together everything which the Doctor used in the episode 'The Doctor's Wife', I don't see why not it wouldn't work. Just make sure you built it next to the water tower in Cardiff.
Yes, I am sure plus sized lingerie does cost more than regular sized lingerie. This is probably because it costs more to make a plus size item than it does to make a regular sized clothing item. This is how it goes for pretty much any plus sized clothing item.
While the 10th did make that comment, it seems not to be a truth. Never have we seen any T.A.R.D.I.S. (with the exception of Journeys End) ever piloted by any more than one or two. Even more so not all T.A.R.D.I.S.s have a 6 sided console. Omega's T.A.R.D.I.S. was completely lacking in a conventional TARDIS console (with a chair for Omega to sit in it's place), and was instead controlled by a single computer close beside the chair, which controlled his observation screens. The Rani's TARDIS console was round without any distinct panels for the controls. Sadly Tennent's comment was just another line that wasn't given much thought like Kingston's line "he drives with the break on".
Yes it is
He comes back to life when they make a wish to Porunga.
See the links below for some illustrations and instructions for making a Tardis Cake.
In the TARDIS. TARDIS is bigger then pirate ship so you can live there very fine PS he can make any rooms he want.
You resize it by making it larger! :)
you get some cardbord n start making a bridge or just look on bing
no, sadly. Tardis is just a regular blue box. people use special effects on t.v to make it look like it is bigger than the inside.
flyable TARDIS1: go into build, NOT EDIT2: go into free models and search davydeckwalker3: insert his NXT TARDIS model and insert4: find the TARDIS spots in free models and insert5: delete thewalls floor and structure BUT NOT THE CONSOLE AND SEATS6: make your own walls and edit the outside look until you have what you wantnon-flyable TARDIS1: get a teleporter from free models2: make the TARDIS inside and put the teleporter at the interior door3: make the outside so one door is uncollidable and put the teleporter inside at the back.Hope it Helped~Anonymous
You can't touch im or he will either make you power down or lose life points.
You will need card board, pencil, scissors, exacto knife, glue, tape, a ruler and a good imagination.
Striated Tardiest TARDIS
In the Doctor Who series, the TARDIS is a time machine and spaceship that is powered by the Eye of Harmony, a black hole captured in a state of temporal grace. The Doctor uses various controls and settings on the TARDIS console to navigate through time and space. Time Lords, like the Doctor, have a psychic connection with the TARDIS, allowing them to pilot it effectively.
take motor and make a cardbord train attach motor between and bottom of train and attach two wheels on the either side of train with motor hence it is ready