While the 10th did make that comment, it seems not to be a truth. Never have we seen any T.A.R.D.I.S. (with the exception of Journeys End) ever piloted by any more than one or two. Even more so not all T.A.R.D.I.S.s have a 6 sided console. Omega's T.A.R.D.I.S. was completely lacking in a conventional TARDIS console (with a chair for Omega to sit in it's place), and was instead controlled by a single computer close beside the chair, which controlled his observation screens. The Rani's TARDIS console was round without any distinct panels for the controls. Sadly Tennent's comment was just another line that wasn't given much thought like Kingston's line "he drives with the break on".
Twenty One Pilots got their band name from a true event. I don't recall what this event is called but it had to do with a scam. Tyler played in a play where a man had to make a very difficult decision. He had to chose between keeping him and his family safe, but twenty one pilots were killed or the pilots were safe but he and his family would lose all their belongings. I hope I answered your question.
Yes, they are all
Carlos Rodriguez
Sam Axe is wearing a pair of Persols. I'm not sure which particular model (many of their models are similar), but you can see all their models on their website.
Do you mean: What does TARDIS stand for??If so, this is the answer:TimeAndRelativeDimension(s)InSpace
A lot of elephants! You could probably fit all the elephants in the world and still have more room-alot of room-left in the TARDIS.
Yes, they do.
This site is dedicated to hegre models and should provide all the information you need: http://hegremodel.thumblogger.com/
The Doctor stole the TARDIS to escape from their home planet of Gallifrey and explore the universe. It was an act of defiance against the Time Lords' strict rules and the Doctor's desire for adventure and freedom.
A TARDIS does not have a fixed number of floors, as it is a time machine capable of changing its internal dimensions. The number of floors inside a TARDIS can vary depending on its configuration at any given time.
There is a need for models of all ages. There are baby models, child models, teen models and adult models. Teen models are usually 13-17, but fashion models have also started as young as 13-14 years old. To do lingerie or adult oriented modeling you have to be 18 or older.
A pilot should know if they are a pilot of a boat or of an airplane. One floats on the water, the other flies in the air.
The TARDIS has various rooms, including the control room where the Doctor pilots the ship, a library, a swimming pool, a wardrobe, a kitchen, bedrooms, and storage rooms. It is known to have an infinite number of rooms and dimensions within its vast interior.
Yes they are all the same models.
Co-pilots have the same controls as the pilots except all the buttons are on the opposite side because the panel is in the middle (to the right of the pilot, to the left of the copilot).