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Making a man orgasm takes some work. Keep controlled motion, only speed up when he needs you too. Trust me, he'll let you know when its time. Don't ask him to climax, if he tries to climax and is thinking about doing it, it will make it difficult for him. This could lead to an awkward conversation later. Keep working at it. Play with his balls (remember not too hard.) Lick the tip. Do whatever needs done.

Now with actual sex, make sexy noises, tell him how good he feels inside you. Kiss his neck. And don't kiss him when he's climaxing. At least not on the mouth. This restricts air flow making it hard to climax

Hope this helps

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

U gotta hit her from the back. Go deep and long stroke. U dont have to go beast mode to make her cum. Wen she gets extra creamy wet, thats wen u beat it down n i promise 110% garauntee that she will climax and prolly pass out witta smile..word son

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Seriously? Are you a 12 year old girl? An orgasm is reached when his penis is stimulated for an extended amount of time. Usually by intercourse, manual stimulation (handjob), or orally.

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