If you reach climax and sperm gets into the girl, there is a chance of pregnancy.
A baby girl usally has a faster heartbeat.
There is not a home remedy to help anyone get pregnant faster.
The only way for a female to get pregnant is for a man to ejaculate semen into the woman's vagina. A girl can't get pregnant from a girl; a guy cannot get pregnant from a girl.
It is when a girl sprays her ejaculate.
No. When a girl eat sperms, she will not get pregnant.
No a girl cant get pregnant from a kiss so that mean you can kiss any girl and she wont get pregnant
when the girl died.
A girl becomes pregnant when a sperm reaches her egg.
If I am reading this question correctly I am to assume that you are a female and you are asking if you do not climax could you still get pregnant? Climaxing in a female has nothing to do with pregnancy. Climaxing has to do with ecstasy. You could get pregnant if you climax or if you don't. All it takes is for a man to ejaculate inside of you. Or it doesn't have to be full ejaculation it could be just a little sperm coming out of his penis due to the feeling of excitement. But it doesn't mean that everytime a man ejaculates inside of you that you will get pregnant. It usually is at the time you are ogulating that you could get pregnant.
if she is a virgin then no but she can get pregnant