Remy helped linguini how to cook. He was the only rat who can save the restaurant to be famous again. remy can change the resaurant how it was before.
There is no real answer to that question. It an opinion.
the answer to this question is pickle juice
The credits.
Ratatouille is a peasant dish. No one is named Ratatouille. Remy is the rat in the movie Ratatouille.
ratatouille (ra.ta.tu.e) not to be confused with the movie Ratatouille (
Ratatouille the food is originated from France but the film you can buy from movie stores or online shops
The movie Ratatouille inspired me because it showed how if you quickly judge anything you may miss out on the true magic hidden underneath the surface.
climax is the climax of the climax and the climax or the climax
you have to see the movie ratatouille in
The movie takes place in Paris
Anyone can cook
The climax of the movie is when they decide to rob her fathers bank in the movie In Time.
It's about a rat who wants to cook. He is separated from his family in the beginning of the movie. He finds himself in Paris, France. He befriends a garbage boy named Linguini at a restraunt called Gusteau's. The rat, Remy, controls Linguini's actions so it looks like Linguini is cooking the food.