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You have to press W and the space bar at the same time. :)

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Q: How do you do a hyperjump in heli attack 3?
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How do you youse a timebreak on heli attack 3?

do nothingl

What kind of game is Heli Attack 3?

Heli Attack 3 is considered to be a "run-and-gun shooter game" that was first released in July 2005. This game is the third game in a series of Heli Attack games where the player takes on the part of a paratrooper. The game consists of 16 levels.

What is the infinite health cheat for Heli Attack 3?

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What is Collector's edition heli attack 3?

It is a different edited version of Heli Attack 3 with a few special guns, like Fire Mines and Anti-Matter Cannon. It was intentionally made for stupid game collectors, which i doubt there is a lot of.

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This Is For Commando 2 This Is For Heli Attack 3 There Website's Are From Me H 4 R 0 0 N

How do you switch to timebreak in heli attack 3?

Just press space then q or e and it changes your power

How do you use hyper jump on heli attack 3?

You have to press W and the space bar at the same time.

Why is alec bad at heli attack 3?

Maybe he just needs some more practise. Just go an keep it up, and soon You will be good.

When did Heli Takala die?

Heli Takala died in 3 August 1998 of leukaemia.

Where can you download heli attack 3 collectors edition?

i saw it on torrents, but it may just be a false link, i really want to find out that may be the only place

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