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There are many methods you can use. Here are a few:

Stick the tongue on the roof of your mouth so no air can escape. As if exhaling, push your jaw forward. A pocket of air should form and you should be able to burp it out.

Another method is to "close" your throat and try inhaling really hard. Stop the air before it enters your stomach, and release it!

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Q: How do you burp on command without soda?
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How do you burp without soda?

belch like crazy

What causes ppeople to be able to burp on command?

Eat tons of gum and drink tons of soda. You might fart a little too.

How can you burp after drinking soda instead of farting?

Whan you have to fart ..... Hold It in and you will burp

Is it normal to always burp?

Dude you kidding me I can burp on command it's natural and normal

What happens to the body when you drink soda?

You burp.

Does warm soda make you burp more?

Well of course it does, the carbonated water in the soda will warm even more in your stomach and expand more which makes you burp more.

What makes you burp after drinking soda?

The gas that the soda has in it, with all the chemicals.. :THE ASIC FROM IT BUILDS UP INSIDE YOUR TUMMY AND IT HAS TO COME OUT SOME KIND OF WAY

Why does soda make you burp?

Soda contains carbon dioxide gas, which creates bubbles when it comes in contact with saliva in your mouth. When you drink soda, the carbon dioxide gas is released in your stomach, which can build up and cause you to burp in order to release the gas.

How can you burp on purpose?

Swallow air. Or if this for some insane reason is too hard if you drink soda the air in the bubbles will usually make you burp.

What helps a person burp?

Drink soda coca cola fast and then burppppppppppppppppp!!!

How do you burp when you want to?

learn to swallow air on command, usually by swallowing it with saliva

Why do you burp after swallowing semen?

You can burp after swallowing an amount of air with any food or drink. It's no different than a burp after swallowing soda or a bite of food.