Dude you kidding me I can burp on command it's natural and normal
You need to burp as well as fart because it is part of health and good for your body
Sometimes you can't burp because you never did something to do something to burp. If you would like to burp try drinking coke. Could be any any coke. The normal coca cola, diet coke you name it! If it doesn't work try to ask questions on how to burp in lots of different ways. For example How to burp? Or How can I burp? Or How do you burp?
Depends; Sometimes.
yes shes a normal person and she probably takes craps too
my momma always told me to burp and that will help very well.
Burping is a normal way to release excess air from the stomach. Both males and females burp. Voluntary burping, for humor or shock effect, is not that attractive when performed by either gender.
do goats burp
No, it isn't normal for your cat to be drooling a lot lately and making a strange burp like noise. He may have eaten something that isn't agreeing with him and causing the strange behavior.
you burp, as you are burping make your mouth move as if you were saying a letter
When young (even some adults can find it amusing) for someone to burp (belch) they find it entertaining. Sometimes people may unexpectedly burp and surprise themselves, so no, it's not abnormal to get a good laugh out of yourself or someone that accidentally burps. However, if you like it for constant entertainment then it's abnormal.
Some people can relax there so called 'upper gastric spincture' with ease and contract there abdominal muscles carefully. So that they can burp, a bit quieter.Some of them have trained themselves for that. Some may have less air swallowed and so burp quieter than others.
No, you do not burn caloires when you burp.