It can be difficult to beat the game Don't Wake Her. The only way to beat the game Don't Wake Her is to go really slow and take time with the actions.
No, InuYasha does not beat sesshomaru and netheir does Sesshomaru beat InuYasha. In the end they dont really like each other more,but I dont think they hate each other more either.
You dont
The song is"Beat you down" by *Downstait*
Im bout 2 buy it but i dont know buy it & youll find out
It is impossible to wake up dead, because if you were dead, you wouldn't wake up. If you wake up, then you are not dead. You cannot wake up dead, though. No, if you go to bed alive then you would have to be in the bed dead so you would have to wake up dead. Haven't you ever seen scary movie 3?
To beat Wake, all you need is a strong Pokemon with strong moves. Discharge would be a great move to beat his Gyarados, and weaker moves for his two other Pokemon. And that's how you do it. P.S. I beat him with an Infernape!!!
no dont no answer
Go to Hearthome City. Although first you have to beat Mayleen and Crasher Wake. After that you can challenge her. You don't have to beat Mayleen and Crasher Wake in Pokemon Platinum. -
Beat maylene and wake first.
Wake Forest beat Notre Dame.
you dont
you dont beat it
Because he didn't want you do wake up.
you have to beat 2 other gym leaders before fantina appears, you have to beat wake and maylene. wake is a water gym leader and maylene is a fighting gym leader
They dont... They are dead
cause you dont wake up early