You are born a werewolf, but you don't actually become one until you are a teenager.
I think all the young werewolves went to school before they changed (became werewolves.) Not sure if they go to school now they are werewolves though.
Werewolves, unlike vampires, DO age. They become older with years just like anyone else. For example, the elders in the Quilete reservation were werewolves at one time, but their generation has been replaced with JAcob and Sams generation of young men becoming werewolves. its like a life cycle.
Where did you hear that? I have a book with witches and vampires and werewolves and "circle twilight" is a witch organization, a witch club sort of.
Victoria dies.. trying to kill Bella (protected by Edward and the rest of the vampires and werewolves) for revenge of killing her boyfriend, James.
They are meant to tie onto the werewolves leg. OMG i love twilight x
It's the same for everyone it's inherited. If you mean Leah then she just has it in her blood. When vampires are around the ones who have the gene in their blood turn to werewolves. But really there is no werewolves in twilight, in breaking dawn it turns out that they really are shape shifters, werewolves would need full moon.
Twilight, no doubt.
LOL! werewolves are fake. too much twilight?
Colin and Brady are two teenagers who become werewolves in Breaking Dawn-the 4th book.
Scientific Research has proven werewolves have never actually existed, so technically, you cant love them.
Real werewolves don't imprint on people, only the shape-shifters from Twilight do. They imprint to ensure that the "shape-shifting" gene gets passed on to their offspring.
People have teams in twilight because some people like the different characters more than others. Also people like either the vampires or the werewolves.
No, not all female werewolves in Twilight are infertile. In the Twilight series, it is mentioned that female werewolves may have trouble conceiving due to the physiological changes they undergo, but it is not a definitive rule that all female werewolves are infertile.
There are millions of Werewolf fans across the world.
No, werewolves like Jacob from Twilight do not exist in reality. Werewolves are mythical creatures from folklore and do not exist as depicted in the Twilight series.
Jacob from Twilight?
seth and Leah