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Victoria dies.. trying to kill Bella (protected by Edward and the rest of the vampires and werewolves) for revenge of killing her boyfriend, James.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Only James is killed in Twilight.

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Q: Who gets killed in twilight?
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Who killed Jacob black on twilight?

No one killed Jacob Black in Twilight.............or in any of the other movies.

Who dies in the Alice vision on the cullin family in breaking dawn 2?

Obviously Irina gets killed. Here is where Alice's vision begins... Carlisle engages the fight trying to protect Alice but gets beheaded by Aro then set aflame. Jasper gets killed. Seth gets killed. Leah sacrifices herself for Esme. Jane gets killed by Alice. Alec gets killed by Emmett. Marcus gets killed by Vladimir and Stefan. Caius gets killed by the Denali Clan as vengeance for Irina. Edward and Bella kill Aro who almost kills Edward. I think that's about it.

What is the three nomads names from twilight?

Omg! I like can't believe you don't know that it: James- he get's killed in twilight by the cullens after trying to kill Bella and almost suceeding Laurent- he get's killed in new moon by Jacob Black, Bella's friend and edward and Bella's daughters' lover laurent gets killed after trying to kill Bella Victoria- she get's killed in Eclipse by Edward because she tries to kill Bella to hurt edward because edward killed James, the person she loved, but James didn't love her btw in the 4th book edward and Bella get married and have a baby girl who almost kills Bella but then they turn Bella into a vampire and then Jacob black imprints on their baby

Why were the Cullens angry when Edward saved Bella from being killed by the truck in Twilight?

Some of the Cullens (especially Rosalie) were angry when Edward saved Bella from being killed by the truck in Twilight because he could have given their secret (that they are vampires) away, as he used his vampire strength and speed to save her, but he did it in public.

At the end of eclipse the movie was the girl feilx killed a vampire?

The girl Felix killed was a vampire. And her name was Bree. If you have any more questions about Twilight ask, please!!!!~:+Hope I Helped!+:~

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In what twilight book does Bella's dad's friend get killed?

no he gets killed either in new moon or eclipse

What is the resoultion of twilight?

James gets killed, Bella ends up with Edward but he won't make her a vampire.

In a single sentences what is the movie all about in twilight?

A human who falls in love with a vampire, thens almost gets killed by another vampire.

Who killed Jacob black on twilight?

No one killed Jacob Black in Twilight.............or in any of the other movies.

Who dies in the twilight eclipse fight?

In "Twilight: Eclipse," Riley Biers, a newborn vampire, is killed during the fight. Victoria, the antagonist, is also killed by Edward and the werewolves.

Do the Cullen get killed in twilight?

The Cullens do not get killed on Twilight nor the book or movie!!!They all have happy hard lives!!!

How many people have Rosalie killed in twilight?

in Twilight none but she said in Eclipse she killed 6 people who killed her including her fiance but she also killed the guards so 8

Who gets killed first in twilight breaking dawn part 2?

they all die but its not really a real fight , its just alice's vision (of the fight )

What is the major event in the book twilight?

The main character Bella Swan falls in love with the vampire Edward Cullen and gets chased and hunted down in Phoenix where she is nearly killed.

Who in twilight killed Edwards step dad?


Who was tracking Bella in twilight?

James, and when he is killed Victoria.

What happens to Victoria at the end of twilight?

If you happened to watch the movie, she escapes. That's her at the end right after Bella and Edward dancing. Now if you are talking about the book she gets killed in eclipse among the newborns