It makes her realize that she can do it and that she might have a chance of winning and going back to Prim.
Katniss dropped a tracker jacker nest on Glimmer (A tracker jacker nest is a muttation of the Capitol, also used in wars) but Katniss got stung three times before the tracker jackers stung Glimmer. Glimmer died of the venom and too many stings.
Rue, the little girl from another district, was helping Katniss from another tree. Rue pointed out a Tracker Jacker nest below her. Tracker Jackers are like very vicious bees. But instead of just stinging you, they inject venom inside you which causes hallucinations, sometimes makes you go unconscious and in the worst situation it can kill you. Rue pointed out the nest because she didn't want Katniss to get stung. But Katniss really wanted to get rid of the Careers, so she took a knife- risking her life because of the Tracker Jacker venom- and cut the branch that the nest was hanging from, causing it to fall on the careers. That made them run away and killed one of the careers.
Yes, the Rebels rescue Peeta, and Katniss is overjoyed to see him. But when Katniss enters Peeta's hospital room Peeta tries to choke her almost killing her. The rebels soon realized he was hijacked (his memories were altered with tracker jacker venom) but eventually he becomes normal again and he and Katniss get married and have children.
She was killed by the tracker jackers I think, she was killed during the tracker jacker attack, it was right after they had found her in the tree and were going to kill her when she was coming down. This is also the first time you really meet sweet innocent Rue. Rue had silently warned Katniss of the deadly nest of them, and Katniss noticed the fumes had gassed the tracker jackers into a stupper so during the annoucments from the Capitol she started to cut the nest off of the branch she succesfully gets it off, but not before she is stung three times. She goes down the tree after awhile and sees Glimmer's body, with the bow and arrows. Glimmer was stung to death and green pus-ish slime was covering her body, her body at that point completely bloated due to the venom.
She had the injuries from before, the burns, the tracker jacker venom. At the very end, she was blown backwards from the explosives, and in 17 her new injuries were the air got knocked out of her, her left ear is damaged she's dizzy, she can't walk, and she passes out.
In the first book, in the arena. Katniss is passed out for two nights because of the tracker jacker venom.
No. The venom from the tracker jacker is known to cause hallucinations and searing pain. She was overcome by the venom, so that's why she passed out
1st Book: Peeta is stung when Katniss drops the tracker jacker nest on the Career Tributes, who Peeta was among, who treed her. 3rd Book: *Spoiler Alert* Peeta is injected with the venom in a form of torture.
After Katniss is stung by the tracker jackers, she sees Peeta and he tells her to run. Because the venom of the tracker jackers is known to cause hallucinations, Rue and Katniss are not sure if Peeta really did safe her, or if it was a hallucination.
In the third book, Mockingjay, he goes physco and tries to kill Katniss because the Capitol dosed him with tracker jacker venom.
She hallucinates for 3 days, passed out, about her father, bombings, her mother, Peeta, etc. While she is passed out from the tracker jacker venom, Rue, (who has showed up as a minor character every now and then, reminding Katniss of Prim, now turns into a major character around this point) takes care of Katniss, putting leaves that heal on her stings, and feeding her.
Peeta is captured by the Capitol after Katniss was rescued by the rebellion from the Arena. The Capitol applies Tracker Jacker Venom to Peeta and it makes him want to hate Katniss. Although, A group of soldiers from the Rebellion sneaks into the Capitol to save him but he hates Katniss and it takes him awhile to recover from the venom. In the end Katniss and Peeta go back to District 12, which is mostly rubble, they have 2 children, one boy and one girl.
Katniss dropped a tracker jacker nest on Glimmer (A tracker jacker nest is a muttation of the Capitol, also used in wars) but Katniss got stung three times before the tracker jackers stung Glimmer. Glimmer died of the venom and too many stings.
Rue, the little girl from another district, was helping Katniss from another tree. Rue pointed out a Tracker Jacker nest below her. Tracker Jackers are like very vicious bees. But instead of just stinging you, they inject venom inside you which causes hallucinations, sometimes makes you go unconscious and in the worst situation it can kill you. Rue pointed out the nest because she didn't want Katniss to get stung. But Katniss really wanted to get rid of the Careers, so she took a knife- risking her life because of the Tracker Jacker venom- and cut the branch that the nest was hanging from, causing it to fall on the careers. That made them run away and killed one of the careers.
Katniss wasn't really that scared by the nest, but she was quite concerned. The 'wasp-nest' is actually a tracker-jacker nest. Tracker jackers are a genetically engineered spin off of wasps. Their stings can be extremely lethal and can cause hallucinations. If injected with too much of the venom, it can cause death (which was the case with Glimmer and the District 4 girl).
Yes, the Rebels rescue Peeta, and Katniss is overjoyed to see him. But when Katniss enters Peeta's hospital room Peeta tries to choke her almost killing her. The rebels soon realized he was hijacked (his memories were altered with tracker jacker venom) but eventually he becomes normal again and he and Katniss get married and have children.
They don't say how he is tortured for rebel information, but Collins does say that they changed, toyed with, and messed up his memories using tracker jacker venom. The venom changes his memories about Katniss making her seem scary. This leads Peeta to want to kill her.