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Yes, the Rebels rescue Peeta, and Katniss is overjoyed to see him. But when Katniss enters Peeta's hospital room Peeta tries to choke her almost killing her. The rebels soon realized he was hijacked (his memories were altered with tracker jacker venom) but eventually he becomes normal again and he and Katniss get married and have children.

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Q: Does Peeta Mellark come back in Mockingjay?
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What is The Hunger Games all about?

The Hunger Games is all about the determination of a sixteen year old girl named Katniss Everdeen who volunteers for her sister at the reaping to try to fight against all odds and against all the other 23 tributes and come back alive to her sister Prim, her mother and her long time friend Gale. She has more determination though after her ally Rue from district 11 is killed and her dying wish was for Katniss to win and she knew after that she will have to not just because of her sister Prim but now she will have to do it for both Prim and Rue. All of that determination is succeeded though thanks to the other tribute from district 12 Peeta Mellark who was dying but Katniss aid him back to life and he help keep her alive as well so with his help and with the help of their mentor Heymitch not only did she come back alive but so did Peeta Mellark as well.

Who are the guest that come to say goodbye when katniss goes to the justice building?

First, her mother and sister say goodbye. Then a friend of her's who is the daughter of the mayor says goodbye and gives her the Mockingjay pin. Then lastly, her best friend Gale says goodbye and promises he'll take care of Katniss's family

Who will play beetee in The Hunger Games?

Josh Hutcherson will be playing Peeta Mellark in Catching Fire. It will be him because he played Peeta in the first film, The Hunger Games, and they usually won't change actors. Also, Josh did an excellent job playing Peeta in the first film, and I don't think anyone would want them to replace him.

What bombshell does Peeta drop during the interview hunger games?

When asked repeatedly by Caesar Flickermann about his love interests, and if their was anyone at home he wanted to come back to, Peeta responds by saying no, that the girl he likes didn't even look at him until the reaping. Caesar continues, until Peeta says he can't even go back to her, when he asks why, Peeta responds by saying the girl came here with him. (AKA Katniss)

What is the climax of The Hunger Games?

the climax is were peeta and katniss go to the cornutopia.

Related questions

Does Peeta Mellark come back to life in catching fire?

He never died. -_-

Where did the name Peeta Mellark come from?

I don't know. I think they just call him Peeta's Father? Anyway anyone have names like Peeta. I found a name like Katniss, Aven (a mountain rose)

Why does Peeta Mellark say he wants to come out of the hungers games the same?

Peeta says that he wants to come out of the hunger games the same beacause he doesn't want to be changed by the rules of the games, he also said that he would rather die for Katniss than come out alive, crazed and dangerous. -<3 Jessi

How come Peeta Mellark didn't know that katniss was faking being in love in the cave wasn't this their strategy from the beginning To act in love to get sponsors?

Katniss had not discussed her plan to fake being in love to get sponsors with Peeta so he thought Katniss's love was real.

Did Peeta Mellark not know that katniss was faking being in love in the cave Wasn't this their strategy all along To act like they're in love so how come he didn't know that?

Katniss did not inform Peeta that they needed to fake being in love for sponsors. Therefore, he thought the love was genuine.

Why does Katniss have as little as possible to do with Peeta Mellark in chapter 4?

Katniss knew that only one tribute would come out alive out of the 24 and so did Peeta. She wanted as little to do with Peeta because she would either have to kill him herself or some one else would kill him and it would be harder for her to cope with his loss if she was close friends with him. Also, she had a sneaky suspicion that Peeta was only playing nice as a tactic, and that he was just getting her to like him.

What is The Hunger Games all about?

The Hunger Games is all about the determination of a sixteen year old girl named Katniss Everdeen who volunteers for her sister at the reaping to try to fight against all odds and against all the other 23 tributes and come back alive to her sister Prim, her mother and her long time friend Gale. She has more determination though after her ally Rue from district 11 is killed and her dying wish was for Katniss to win and she knew after that she will have to not just because of her sister Prim but now she will have to do it for both Prim and Rue. All of that determination is succeeded though thanks to the other tribute from district 12 Peeta Mellark who was dying but Katniss aid him back to life and he help keep her alive as well so with his help and with the help of their mentor Heymitch not only did she come back alive but so did Peeta Mellark as well.

When will Mockingjay come out in paperback?

It is out in Paperback.

What movie connects to the book mockingjay?

The movie that will connect with the material in Mockingjay will be the two-part movie called Mockingjay that will come out sometime in 2014.

When does Mockingjay the movie come out?

I don't know when mockingjay is coming out but catching fire will be in november 2013

Who are the guest that come to say goodbye when katniss goes to the justice building?

First, her mother and sister say goodbye. Then a friend of her's who is the daughter of the mayor says goodbye and gives her the Mockingjay pin. Then lastly, her best friend Gale says goodbye and promises he'll take care of Katniss's family

When does Mockingjay come to theaters?

i heard it was some time in 2015