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Josh Hutcherson will be playing Peeta Mellark in Catching Fire. It will be him because he played Peeta in the first film, The Hunger Games, and they usually won't change actors. Also, Josh did an excellent job playing Peeta in the first film, and I don't think anyone would want them to replace him.

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13y ago

Technically, the Hunger Games movie is only going to be of the first book. Catching Fire will come out soon enough, but i don't believe that they have begun casting anyone but Johanna Mason quite yet. (Someone has asked to be Johanna in the upcoming film)

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10y ago

Beetee is a victor of an unspecified Hunger Games, and was reaped to participate in the 75th Quarter Quell. He is from District 3 and was important in both "Catching Fire" and "Mockingjay".

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Woody Harreison

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For teh Hunger Games,

Who survives in The Hunger Games?

In the first book, Katniss and Peeta both survive because Katniss pulls out poisonous berries (referred to as nightlock) and gives half of them to Peeta, telling him that if they both can't live, then niether of them should. In Catching Fire, Finnick, Beetee, Enobaria, Johanna, Katniss, and Peeta all survive because Katniss blew up the force field to the arena.

Who is the district one boy in the hunger games?

Beetee-The male tribute from District 3. He is an inventor, and is proficient in using wire as a weapon, usually in combination with electricity. In the third book he is seen as one of the scientists who works in District 13, and helps Gale develop bombs along with the same idea that Coin used to kill Prim. He is part of the committee that gathers at the end of the book that votes to hold a final Hunger Games. He is described as an older man with dark hair, pale skin and glasses.Wiress-The female tribute from District 3. Wiress often doesn't finish her sentences; Beetee sometimes finishes them for her. Although she is an inventor like Beetee, her genius manifests itself in different ways-she is very intuitive and figures out that the arena worked like a clock before anyone else does. She is killed when Gloss from District 1 slits her throat. She is somewhere in her 30's and has dark hair and pale skin.

What is a cereal name for the Hunger Games without using hunger?

The Food games The death games the fighting games Or the appetite games

What are the contestants in the Hunger Games called?

In Catching Fire, every tribute from the 75th Quarter Quell (besides Katniss, Peeta, and Maggs) are what you'd consider 'old winners,' or what The Hunger Games might call previous/past victors. POPULAR past victors include Finnick, Haymitch, Johanna, Wiress, Beetee, Brutus, and Enobaria.

Related questions

How old are Beetee and Wiress in Hunger Games?

Wiress is about 35-45 years old, Beetee is some years older.

Who are district 3 tributes for the 75th Hunger Games?

We don't know the names of those in the 74th games, but in the 75th they are Wiress and Beetee.

What was the boy and girl tribute from district 3 named from the Hunger Games?

In the 74th Hunger Games, you never find out there names. In the 75th Hunger Games, the boy tribute is Beetee, and the female tribute is Wiress.

What does Katniss do with the wire during the 75th Hunger Games?

Katniss gave the wire to Beetee who used it to create a rig that would in theory, destroy the force field in the arena of the 75th Hunger Games, a Quarter Quell. They succeeded and Katniss, Beetee, and Finnick were saved and taken to District 13.

Who was Katniss able to trust in The Hunger Games?

In the games or in the books overall?In the games:74th Hunger Games: Rue and then Peeta later on in the book.75th Hunger Games: Peeta, Beetee, Wiress, MagsShe worked with more people, especially in the 75th Hunger Games, but she didn't actually trust them.In the books:The Hunger Games: Peeta (later on in the book), Haymitch, Gale, Prim, Rue, CinnaCatching Fire: Peeta, Haymitch, Gale, Prim, Beetee, Wiress, Mags, CinnaMockingjay: Really the only person she can trust is Finnick in this book, she has trust issues with the others on and off.

How does Bette die in Catching Fire?

Beetee doesn't actually die in The Hunger Games series. He lives throughout the whole series.

Who escaped the 75th hunger games along with katniss?

Finnick and Beetee. Johanna and Peeta and Enobaria were captured by the Capital, but were later rescued

Who are the minor characters of The Hunger Games?

wiress, beetee, johanna, madge, mayor undersee,lady, buttercup, finnick, annie, ect.

What do the characters do in Hunger Games?

Play Hunger Games

Does Lucas Till play in the Hunger Games?

No, Lucas Till does not play in the Hunger Games film.

How many of the hunger games victors in the quell survive all three books?

four survived the quell and mocking jay ( Katniss, Peeta, Beetee, and Johanna

Who does mila kunis play in the hunger games?

She did not have any role in The Hunger Games.