attitude reflects in literature by using emotion (sad, happy, anger, and depressed)
in the text
It does not reflect the creator's ideas about the values of the society in which the epic is written or created only the values of the society in which the epic is set.
values is values
values are the values and reason for arts
The values of The Slytherin House are: Resourcefulness, Determination, and Cunning.
what you beleive in
The values and beliefs of their society.
Literature reflects cultural values by portraying societal norms, beliefs, and customs through characters, settings, and themes. Writers often address pressing issues of their time, allowing readers to gain insight into the prevailing attitudes and values of a particular society. By examining literature, readers can better understand the cultural context in which it was created.
Values and attitudes serve as internal motivators that shape our decisions and actions. Our values guide what we believe is important or desirable, while our attitudes reflect our feelings and evaluations toward something. Together, they influence our behaviors by directing our choices and guiding how we interact with the world around us.
Values are about how we have learned to think about how things ought to be, or people ought to behave, especially in terms of qualities such as honesty, integrity and openness, which when people are asked what their values are tend to be the main values. Attitudes are the established ways of responding to people and situations that we have learned based on the beliefs, values and assumptions we hold. How we respond to situations and our behavior can reflect our attitude. However, we can control our behavior in a way that does not reflect our beliefs and values, which in order to embrace a diverse culture and behaviors as a successful manager, we have to adapt our behavior in a positive manner.
There are two baic parts of biodata: factual, which includes your life and work experiences, and opinions, values, beliefs, and attitudes that reflect a historical perspectuve.
Myths reflect __________ values and beliefs
Values are deeply held beliefs about what is important, desired, and worth striving for. Attitudes, on the other hand, are a set of emotions, beliefs, and behaviors directed toward a particular object, person, or situation. Values guide behavior and decision-making, while attitudes reflect our feelings and views toward something.
Attitudes and Appearances
managerial values and attitudes
Culture, tradition, and values influence the themes, settings, and characters portrayed in literature. Writers often draw inspiration from their cultural background, traditions, and values to create works that reflect their society's beliefs and ideals. Literature can serve as a means to preserve, challenge, or reshape cultural norms and traditions, making it a powerful tool for exploring and understanding different cultures.
Margaret Dodson has written: 'Teaching values through teaching literature' -- subject(s): Literature, Social values in literature, Study and teaching (Secondary), Values clarification, Values in literature
The new mass media reflected the characteristics of the time by catering to the changing needs and interests of the society. This included themes related to technological advancements, social norms, cultural values, and political developments. The mass media adapted to provide content that aligned with the prevailing attitudes and trends of the era.