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The values of The Slytherin House are: Resourcefulness, Determination, and Cunning.

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cunning, ambitious ect

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Q: What are the values of Slytherin House?
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The Slytherin house ghost is the Bloody Baron.

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It depends what you mean by group. He was in Slytherin house and he was a death eater.

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Slytherin is a proper noun; a name. It doesn't have an actual definition, but it is probably meant to sound like "slithering" in reference to snakes.

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The house names in the harry potter books and movies are: Gryffindor Gryffindor values courage, bravery, daring, nerve and chivalry. Its mascot is the lion, and its colours are red and gold. The Head of this house is the transfiguration teacher, Minerva McGonagall, and the house ghost is Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, more commonly known as nearly headless nick. According to Rowling, Gryffindor corresponds roughly to the element of fire. The founder of the house is Godric Gryffindor. Hufflepuff Hufflepuff values hard work, loyalty, tolerance, and fair play. The house mascot is the badger, and canary yellow and black are its colours. The Head of this house is the herbology teacher pomona sprout, and the house ghost is the fat friar. According to Rowling, Hufflepuff corresponds roughly to the element of earth. The founder of this house is Helga Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw ravenclaw values intelligence, learning, and wit. The house mascot is an eagle, and the house colours are blue and bronze (changed to blue and grey in the films). The head of this house is the charms professor, filius flitwick, and the house ghost is the grey lady. According to Rowling, Ravenclaw corresponds roughly to the element of air. The founder of this house is Rowena Ravenclaw. Slytherin slytherin house values ambition, cunning, and resourcefulness. The house mascot of Slytherin is the serpent, and the house colours are green and silver. Salazar Slytherin founded the house. The Head of House is severus snape in the first five books and most of the sixth book. At the end of the sixth book and in the seventh book, the old Potions master and previous Head of House who has come out of retirement, horace slughorn, reassumes authority of the house. The ghost of Slytherin house is the bloody baron. According to Rowling, Slytherin corresponds roughly to the element of water.

What was the name of the Slytherin House ghost?

The Bloody Baron