Slytherin is a proper noun; a name. It doesn't have an actual definition, but it is probably meant to sound like "slithering" in reference to snakes.
Slytherin is a school house at Hogwarts, from the Harry Potter books. According to the author, Slytherin corresponds to the element of water and the house mascot is a snake.
Slytherin colors are silver and dark green
The same as it means in real life, the heir is the next in line to something. In the context of the heir of Slytherin, it means someone from Slytherin's bloodline who had the same affinity for snakes.
Slytherin's animal symbol is a snake/serpent.
Slytherin, which was SALAZAR SLYTHERIN'S House. :)
The values of The Slytherin House are: Resourcefulness, Determination, and Cunning.
It depends what you mean by group. He was in Slytherin house and he was a death eater.
Of course! She was always with Malfoy in the Slytherin common room, it has been said that she was a Slytherin girl...Yes, she is in Slytherin.
Salazar Slytherin.
in the first movie slytherin bullies his friend Ron and Draco was asking to be friends with harry cause harry knew that he was mean and wicked
Snake Slytherin Snape Stairs
Slytherin colors are silver and dark green
The same as it means in real life, the heir is the next in line to something. In the context of the heir of Slytherin, it means someone from Slytherin's bloodline who had the same affinity for snakes.
Slytherin's animal symbol is a snake/serpent.
Slytherin, which was SALAZAR SLYTHERIN'S House. :)
Andromeda Black, mother of Nymphadora Tonks.Sirius Black.Horace Slughorn.Severus Snape (at least he changed his mind).Being in Slytherin doesn't mean you automatically have allegiance to Lord Voldemort and the death eaters. The traits of Slytherin house are cunningness, resourcefulness, determination and ambition. Slytherin's can become powerful people and have natural leadership qualities. Slytherin's can do both good and bad, just like everybody else.As the series is focused around the war, all of the characters are in some way connected to it hence why many have the impression that all Slytherin's are evil.
The match was between Gryffindor and Slytherin.
He was in Slytherin. In fact, he was the last remaining relative of Salavar Slytherin.