kisame die because Andre killed him, not,kisame die because naruto got to him, i think.
kisame appeared in the first naruto anime on episode 81 with his close comrade itachi uchiha who sadly died in the shippuden. but kisame is still alive even in the manga as we speak but I think he is going to die soon in manga see manga 5o6 spoiler he battle might guy
The first time Might Guy fights Kisame is in Naruto in episode 82 where Might Guy fends of Kisame from his comrades. Kisame and Itachi quickly leave after Guy's appearance. The second time Guy fights Kisame is in Naruto Shippuden in episodes 250 and 251
Not yet, but however it is highly possible that he will die against Kisame. Opening the seventh gate is already life-threatening, and it wont be enough to defeat Kisame, even if he is weakened. If it comes down to it, Gai will open the eighth gate, too combat Kisame. The results, of course, will be death. It will turn out like how Asuma died, just to give his team some screen time. Although, this is all just speculation.
sasuke itachi the horror master or kisame (fish face) my guess is ITACHI THE HORROR MASTER AND KISAME THE FISH FACE!!! KISAME :I AM NOT A FISH FACE!!! _ _ ITACHI: YES U R I ORDERED HER TO CALL U 1!!! O /______\O KISAME THE FISH FACE : FiNe ITACHI: stop THAT KISAME THE FISH FACE: FINE AGAIN \ / O/____\O
14th Episode of Naruto Shippuden.. While Fighting With Kisame...
Yep, he does. I think he commits suicide.
Guy does not defeat the real Kisame, but he defeated the duplicate of Kisame that fought Guy. He couldn't have killed the real Kisame because Kisame's leader, Pain, had used the Shapeshifting Technique to make a duplicate of Kisame which was controlled by Kisame.
No. Kisame is dead.
Because he has respect for Kisame. He also calls Sasori "Master Sasori".
no, suigetsu is only tracking kisame down because kisame is another one of the seven swordsmen.
kisame appeared in the first naruto anime on episode 81 with his close comrade itachi uchiha who sadly died in the shippuden. but kisame is still alive even in the manga as we speak but I think he is going to die soon in manga see manga 5o6 spoiler he battle might guy
Kisame's last name is Hoshigaki. - Sukineko
Dono means master.
if kisame has a clan it is unknown or he doesn't even have one
kisame because orochimaru is dead
kisame dies tring to kill the eight tales but killer bee and his brother use Double Lariat. ( the move is when the Raikage goes on one side of a person's neck and killer bee is on the other side the person's neck and they charge for the neck and crack's the neck from its body.) P.S Kisame sword is alive.
They say that he does but he's really in his own sword, Samehada, which Killer Bee is carrying around.