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John Lennon's Aunt Mimi (who raised him) was dead set against it, telling Lennon "The guitar's all right, John, but you'll never make a living at it", and getting upset at George Harrison's mother Louise when she cheered the boys on. (Lennon later gave Mimi a silver platter, engraved with her words.)

Paul McCartney's father Jim was thrilled that Paul wanted to be a musician (as he had been, playing piano in his own jazz band before World War II), and was always supportive.

Louise Harrison was glad that young George found something to be passionate about, sat up with him as he tried to learn to play guitar, and often came to watch him perform. She opened their house to the boys, for practice. Father Harry was a little more skeptical, hoping George would stay with his electrician's apprenticeship, but let his youngest son pursue his dream; "You're young, and if you don't make it, you can still start over."

Ringo's stepfather bought him his first drum kit, carrying it on the train back from London, and later Ringo's Grandfather Starkey lent him the money to pay down on a professional kit. His mother got worried when she noticed the top of Ringo's dresser was covered in pound notes, wondering if it was honest work, but a talk with Beatles manager Brian Epstein reassured her. (She took the money and opened a savings account for her son.)

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