Yes, he did. He accidentally shot himself in the chest with a gun when he was a kid. It was really close to his heart, and he still has fragments of the bullet in his chest. If it was any closer it would have hit his heart.
They found him because when he shot himself he screamed super loud and the neighbors heard and called the police. They knocked on his door and he couldn't get up to come, of course, so he slid in his blood to the door and started making noises. The police heard, knocked down the door, and rushed him to the hospital, where they preformed immmediate surgery.
And he will be fine unless he was to like walk into a magnetic field, because that would make the fragments of the bullet shift.
If you find the episode of VH1's Behind The Music: Lil Wayne, he talks about it.
So, I hope this helped. :)
Yes. Watch Eminem's music video ''No Love'' ft. Lil Wayne shows how he got beat up then he stood up for himself and beat up the people who picked on him.
Yes, h'ha. (:
Lil Wayne has a1 girlfriend. i dont know her name but they have 1 kid.
That song isn't from Wayne it's from Tyga, this kid from Wayne's record label Young Money. and it's called coconut juice
Lil' Will is from Cornwall, Ontario. I use to skateboard with that kid, cool kid for sure.
Birdman kept on holding out on everyone and not paying them the money there supposed to get. Listen to "cannon" a lil Wayne diss by Gillie the Kid
no he is not .
Lil Chuckie
his father got shot when Wayne was a kid
Lil Wayne has four Reginae, Dwayne III, Lennox Samuel Ari, and Neal
He Had A Kid when he Was 15 And The Girl Was 14 Or 13 0.0
Lil Twist
When Lil Wayne was about 12 or 14 he shot himself putting his life at risk. But he managed to call the cops and they came and even thought he was on Life support for 2 weeks he become fine (:
Yes, h'ha. (:
reports say lil wayne is on the searsh of noel carrasco lil wayne herd on his twiter that this kid can rap so we wish the best of luck for lil wayne for finding this young 13 year old kid this is kristen low with mtv news
yes, a son nd two girls
reporters say that lil wayne is on search of a young kid named noel carrasco an lil wayne does now he is 13 years old and lives in midland texas we wish lil wayne good luck