That song isn't from Wayne it's from Tyga, this kid from Wayne's record label Young Money.
and it's called coconut juice
carter 4
It's on the Wayne's World 4.5 Mixtape
the carter
Drop The World
Tha Cartet II
Lights Out - Lil Wayne album - was created in 1999.
Rebirth - Lil Wayne album - was created in 2008.
the most popular album the lil Wayne has came out with is the carter lll
the song is made by lil Wayne and can be found in the album reburth by lil Wayne
The latest album lil Wayne is working on is No Ceilings!
Lil Wayne's album that went double platinum is ''Tha Carter III''
Lil Wayne's sophomore album was 'Lights Out', released in 2000, following his first solo album, 'Tha Block Is Hot'.
YES.......Lil Wayne Does RAP the song Misunderstood.........i think its on the Album the Carter 3
Comfortable was released by Lil' Wayne in 2008. The song is featured in the Lil' Wayne album Tha Carter III and this is song no. 5 in the album. The song is about 4 minutes long.
Lights out