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The original story from Season One's A Hero Sits Next Door was one Christmas Eve he was chasing a suspect and he ran on the roof. The suspect, as it turns out, was the Grinch from Dr. Suess' 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas'.
Joe slipped on a roller skate that was thrown by the Grinch and fell from the roof.

However, it was later revealed that story was a lie. A criminal Joe was trying to capture shot & paralyzed him. Joe made up the Grinch story because he was embarrassed a criminal got the drop on him.

It should be noted it is highly doubtful that being shot in the legs seven times would have paralyzed Joe as paralysis is normally caused by a spinal injury or damage to the brain. Realistically depending on the damage, Joe would probably walk with a limp but he wouldn't be paralyzed from the waist down.

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Because he dosen’t watch JJBA

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