It was because the hospice usually went to poor people that needs help, and Robin was one of them. Brother Luck came to Robin's house to takecare for him. That's what I learned 1year ago. I think that was the reason. Try it.
Luke is Sarah jane's adopted son. He was created by the alien race the Bane as the 'Perfect human'. He is super intelligent and doesn't get ill! (Apart from in last week's episode!) So he has had no real childhood or anything. Hope that answers it.
I dont know! Ill let you know when i figure it out!
do you know what volume it is? It is Episode 96 (from Season 4), entitled "Jaken Falls Ill."
not that i know of. i think cause its a show on nick that they wont have it but ill see
here it is I wrote it:" Give me a dress, Ill wear it, give me makeup, Ill use it, but give me a man, I dont know what to do.SORRY ive written better ones but im not good with girly!!
you know when u are ill because you feel sick
to be honest try and help
Raúl Castro
you will know that your pet is ill when it is acting strange rarely eating and does not have much energy
Heart of Dragon.
if a penguin is ill then it dies if it is not ill it wont die
The underlined clause "Because your brother was feeling ill" is a subordinate clause because it cannot stand alone as a complete sentence and is dependent on the main clause "he rested in bed most of the day" for its meaning.
i dont really know but i know how to do this ▄██████████████▄▐█▄▄▄▄█▌ ██████▌▄▌▄▐▐▌███▌▀▀██▀▀ ████▄█▌▄▌▄▐▐▌▀███▄▄█▌ ▄▄▄▄▄██████████████▀ when i know how to do it ill tell you
she tells the robin Roberts about some of her most memorable Hannah Montana moments
Sometimes the tail grows back and sometimes it doesn't, it depends how the tail got off. If the robin was ill and the illness affected the tail then the tail would grow back but if the robin got hurt or ran over and the tail swung off then the tail would not grow back.
It means what I did when I wrote my brother. I chose my words ill - and it expressed foolishness. I was the fool and the word, poorly chosen, had become my messenger.