WAN optimization is used for increasing data transfer across wide-area networks. There are three interdependent components used to optimize WAN bandwidth. They are Traffic Management, Caching and Compression.
Luke and Mara had one child: Ben skywalker. Ben was named after Obi-Wan Kenobi, only Luke and Mara used Obi-Wan's nickname from Ep.4: Ben. So, yes, Luke has one child.
The following is dialogue from the time Obi-Wan landed on Mustafar to the time he left Anakin. Note that this does not include Padme's dialogue from when the ship first touched down.Obi-Wan: Let her go, Anakin! Let her go!Anakin: You turned her against me!Obi-Wan: You have done that yourself.Anakin: You will not take her from me!Obi-Wan: Your anger and your lust for power have already done that.Obi-Wan: You have allowed this Dark Lord to twist your mind, until now...Until now, you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.Anakin: Don't lecture me, Obi-Wan. I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the Dark Side as you do!Anakin: I have brought peace, freedom, justice and security to my new Empire.Obi-Wan: Your new Empire?Anakin: Don't make me kill you.Obi-Wan: Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy!Anakin: If you're not with me, then you are my enemy.Obi-Wan: Only a Sith deals in absolutes. *grabbing his lightsaber* I will do what I must.Anakin: You will try.***Lightsaber Fight sequence***After fighting furiously throughout the Mustafar Lava Compound, Obi-Wan lands himself on a hovering platform in the middle of a lava stream, with Anakin directly in front, staring at him with hatred.Obi-Wan: Anakin, I have failed you.Anakin: I should've known the Jedi were plotting to take over!Obi-Wan: Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is evil!Anakin: From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!Obi-Wan: Well, then, you are lost!***Anakin comes up alongside Obi-Wan's hovering platform***Anakin: This is the end for you, my Master.***Obi-Wan leaps from the platform and onto a rocky hill***Obi-Wan: It's over, Anakin! I have the high ground.Anakin: You under-estimate my power!Obi-Wan: Don't try it!***Anakin attempts to overshoot Obi-Wan on the hill, but when he flys over Obi-Wan's head, he get's sliced in two by his lightsaber. He then tumbles down the hill near the lava stream***Obi-Wan, upon seeing what he's done: You were the Chosen One! It was said you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!Anakin, lying on the ground: I hate you!Obi-Wan: You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you!Those were the final words spoken by Obi-Wan on Mustafar. Anakin's body was too closen to the lava, and as a result, it burst into flames. Obi-Wan couldn't bear to watch his padawan burn, and walks away.
yoda died of age,and, similar to obi wan, his soul left his body and he disappeared, finally becoming one with the force. Also when he became one with the force he turned into a force ghost. something only Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and Yoda can do.
When playing Star Wars Battlefront II, if you want to re-create your own Obi-wan vs. Anakin, then you have to play on Mustafar.You think it would make more sense if the clone wars option featured this, but that option will get you Obi-wan vs. Darth Maul.However, if you do the Galactic Civil War option on Mustafar, you will be able to play as Obi-wan as the hero for the Rebels and Anakin as the "hero" for the Empire.Why they did it this way, I do not know, but there you go.btw, Battlefront II is one of THE best games to play over an over again
id say mace windu would because he is a jedi before obi wan but id want obi wan 2 win because i think hes cool. but id like to see Yoda and the apprentice fight. i dont think so...though windu is a master jedi and well skilled in lightsaber combat,master in form VII vapaad and quite powerful in he way of the force.bu so was obi wan,as anakin stated back in ep.2 "obi wan is a great mentor,he is wise as master yoda and powerful as master windu".but i doesnt justify the means,all ends with their fate and "the will of the force".Windu is a master of vapaad a very powerful combat form whereas kenobi holds the mastery of the 3rd form soresu...windu with devastating offensive moves against kenobi's formidable defensive style.its tough to say but i would go for kenobi,mindu wll only get frustrated to get through kenobi's defense,frustration against calmness i would say...kenobi will only drive mindu mad until he gets tired and cornered him to his defeat.that is ofcourse with their knowledge of the force,one can only wonder the outcome of this great lightsaber battle. obi wan wins... There is absolutely no way that Obi-Wan could stand up to Mace Windu. Obi-Wan got thrashed twice by count Dooku. Mace defeated Palpatine in a one on one fight. There is absolutely no comparison to these two as they are on completely different echelons.
A WAN is a wide area network, so a WAN accelerator, simply improves network performance. This is done by optimizing bandwidth and improving the general experience of using a wide area network.
There are a number of reasons that one may want to limit bandwidth on a Cisco router. If one is using too much bandwidth, that could slow the download speeds of other users in the area. Also, some internet services cap the amount of bandwidth allowed.
A bandwidth tester will determine one's internet speed and how good the connection to the internet is. One can find this capability at Internet Frog and also at Speedtester.
One would use a bandwidth calculator to see how much data that they are using. Normally it goes by month long periods and you could measure it by that standard.
You can find a variety of bandwidth analyzers online from companies such as Solarwinds and Bandwidth Monitor Pro available on Cnet. Make sure to check for reviews on one before you download as with many other computer tools they could be malware.
There are multiple ways to optimize bandwidth. While working in your browser window, be sure to try to keep one browser window open at a time. This increases the stream. Use an optimizer performance checker online to see how the computer is ranging in bandwidth. See what is running on your computer in your start up properties and stop running what is not needed. A shortcut to shutting down unnecessary running programs on your computer. Start menu, type in the search box, "msconfig". Depending on your operating system, a display for an msconfig window will appear. Just check all that apply. If your computer does nothing, believe it or not, you already did it. Now restart your computer.
Regular bandwidth means you are sharing bandwidth with other people on the network so the more people on the network the slower one's connection will be. Dedicated bandwidth guarantees one a certain amount of bandwidth that is not shared.
it could be either one, depending on application. need more information to answer.
A simple search of the net will find there are many bandwidth monitoring sites that are available for free. A popular one is callled Free Meter Bandwidth Meter. You also can use WFilter freeware for network bandwidth monitoring.
Depends on how you look at it. Obi-Wan was the one who killed Grievous, but Cody and his men kept the droids "distracted" so Obi-Wan could do so
There are no specific requirements for tropical requirements of WAN. WAN stands for wide area network. WAN requirements can vary from one location to another depending on how the WAN is set up.
Bandwidth software can be used to establish the greatest bandwidth of a network or internet connection. You can also download mobile apps for free or for a nominal cost to determine your bandwidth.