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Because Tobi is from First hokage generation and Obito was from Kakashi generation.

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 12y ago

After Obito died Orochimaru found the body of obito and placed Madara Uchiha's mind into the body.So that means that it was actually Madara who fought the 4th hokage.

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Q: How can Tobi be obito if obito fought the fourth Hokage?
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Is Tobi maddaraa or obito?

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Who is stronger fourth Hokage or Tobi?

The 4th hokage was strong but Tobi is stronger then the 4th

Who is stronger than the 4th Hokage?

tobi(obito uchiha with Madara Uchiha soul )

Is tobi fight the 4rth Hokage?

These are all spoilers, so be warned. Tobi, the leader of Akatsuki, fought the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze (Naruto's father) 16 years before the events of the series/manga. Tobi (later revealed to be Obito, Kakashi's supposedly deceased teammate), loosed the Nine-Tails on Konoha by pulling the beast out of the former Jinchuuriki of the Nine-Tails, who was Naruto's mother. She was weak from child birth, and the seal containing the beast was not strong. The combined effect of having the Nine-Tails wrenched from her, coupled with childbirth, proved mortal for Naruto's mother, Kushina Uzumaki. Tobi (a close anagram of Obito) took control of the Nine-Tails with his Sharingan, and attacked Konoha. The Fourth Hokage used the Death God jutsu to seal half of the beast's chakra with him at the expense of his life, and the other half he sealed into Naruto. Tobi escaped.

Is Tobi really saske sarutobi in naruto Shippuden?

What no Tobi is really Madara Uchiha the man who fought the first hokage to be hokage or something to do with the village.

When did Tobi tooked obito's body?

Tobi isn't Obito. He is Madara Uchiha

Is Tobi different from obito?

yes in the newest naruto shippuden that came out in japan danzo said"damn madara i need to conserve enough chakra to fight him' is what danzo said while he looked at Tobi sitting on top of a pillar on

How can Tobi die?

in the manga chapter 503 or 504 the fourth hokage fight s Tobi and hits him because when Tobi attacks your able to hit him.

How is obito and Tobi alike?

Obito and Tobi are the same person in the Naruto series. Obito Uchiha assumed the alias "Tobi" when he joined the Akatsuki organization. Throughout the series, Obito uses the Tobi persona to conceal his true identity and motives.

Who was obito fighting with?

From what i know so far about kakashi, obito, and tobi. The 3 are related.cause from the time obito and kakashi discussed obito said then i'll crush that idea of a shinobi. The so called tobi arrived to take nine tail knowing that kakashi was still weak from the last mission with obito. The question is were is obito's body or who took his body or was it the person he fought with. Sorry this are question

How did zetus know where obito was?

Obito is not Tobi. Madara Uchiha is Tobi. How many times must I tell you this, people?!

Is obito Uchiha evil?

Yes, Obito is evil. It was revealed in the Manga that Tobi was Obito.