if you wish to perform attack choose son goku.then you can transform it into ssj1 ssj2 ss3 etc.to transform press down+forward+a repeat this again and again till the fusion dance.to perform Kamehameha continually press s+D+down+direction button(right or left)
where i can find dbz mugen 2007 edision 1 cheats. www.stageselect.com
Fuu never kisses either Jin or Mugen .
tape batman and look in esnips.com if you can't find him look in mugen's
I'm sorry but I don't think mugen spiral is an anime it is only a manga
you can get naruto mugen chars and a lot of other chars in mugencharacters.ucoz.com Believe me, it's an awesome website^^
goku ssj2 spiecalattack
press down + forward + a
how to go gotenks ss3
clica no youtube e coloca dragon ball z mugen edition 2009 dai entra no filecrop e coloca dbz mugen edition 2009
I believe there are no cheats in mugen
where i can find dbz mugen 2007 edision 1 cheats. www.stageselect.com
even i am searching for the same question
they are=a,s,d,z,x,c For special attacks = down+Left+(one of the buttons) Down+right+(one of the buttons),down+left+right+(button) or down+right+left+(button)
there will be a Dragon Ball 2010 mugen
well i was watching a tutorial and this guy was at a website and it had all these diffrent mugen chars
search it on google think that will help