The major flaw of authoritarianism is that it sows seeds of dissent. In a system were all power is concentrated in the hands of just one person eventually someone else will challenge that person in an attempt to gain dominance for themselves. In Lord of the Flies Jack apparently holds total and unchallenged power over his tribe but Roger manages to instill fear in boys who are older than himself (Roger is mentioned in the book as being in the disputed area between biguns and littluns so he is probably only aged 8, 9 or 10). It would be logical to assume that at some point, if the boys had not been rescued, that Jack would have been forced to kill Roger, for his own protection, or Roger would have disposed of Jack. Authoritarianism also hampers progress and creativity. When all power is vested in one person the ideas and contributions of others are overlooked or ignored. The decisions of the leader are followed blindly, whether they are good decisions or bad decisions.
Lord of the Flies is narrated from a third person viewpioint.
In lord of the flies, ben is a follower of jack...or a choir boy.
The Lord Of the Flies itself to Simon
most extreme form of authoritarianism called
Lord of the Flies documents the progression of "innocent" boys into savagery.
In the novel "Lord of the Flies," the character known as the "bigun" is Ralph, who is one of the main protagonists and leaders among the group of boys stranded on the island. Ralph represents order, civilization, and democratic principles in contrast to the character of Jack, who embodies savagery and authoritarianism.
How is Simon from lord of the flies?
Lord of the Flies was created on 1954-09-17.
There are four broad classifications of authoritarianism: traditional authoritarianism, military authoritarianism, one-party authoritarianism, and personalistic authoritarianism. Traditional authoritarianism is based on traditional political structures and practices, while military authoritarianism is characterized by military rule. One-party authoritarianism is where a single political party holds all power, and personalistic authoritarianism revolves around a single leader who dominates the political landscape.
Lord of the Flies is classified as fiction.
Learn english.
The lord of the flies is the head of the pig that Jack and his 'tribe' killed, they left it on a stake as an offering to the beast (ie)
It is the pig's head cut off by jack, transformed from a loving pig to a creepy horror. The flies were buzzing around the head, making the pigs head the Lord of the Flies. In other interpretations, Jack is considered to be the Lord of the Flies. The beast is also thought to be the Lord of the Flies.
the Lord of the flies, is the pig head that was put on the stick.
i do not understand this question?
"Lord of the Flies" by William Golding was first published in 1954.