yes they do. because, my tech. teacher said he had these friends in college who used wikipedia for a research paper and the next day they got kicked out of college and it went on their perament records
I know: Your Love is Just a Lie Simple Plan Live a Lie Default Every Lie My Darkest Days Lie David Cook Don't Lie Black eyed Peas Beautiful Lie 30 seconds to Mars Lie to me George Nozuka
it's a white lie so it's still a lie, but not that big.
Serj Tankian: Lie, Lie, Lie
The lie was told by the girl because she was not the woman Carruthers had with him in the hotel.
The libertines - the boy looked at johnny
Wikipeadia is eight years old.
wikipeadia was founded in the year 2002.
Wikipeadia is an online encyclopaedia and body of knowledge which can be improved and updated by users. Being dumb is not a property of associated with online encyclopaedias.
dont know look on wikipeadia!
There are four groups and go on wikipeadia
9,326 - look on Wikipeadia
what is risk analysisin natural hazard
I have no idea try going on wikipeadia x
Table d hote - look it up in wikipeadia
Erm theres this thing called wikipeadia
You can retrieve knowledge from the internet by going on to google or by going to wikipeadia.
No. Use the internet to find primary sources.