Yes, he does still love her, but it's too painful to say or admit it, if he does he will still have to watch her leave. Him and his double both know it's best if the clone says it because he's going to be with rose anyway, but yes he will always love rose.
Yes, Rose returns from the parallel world at the end of episode 12, at the end of episode 13 The Doctor returns her and clone Doctor to her world to live their lives together.
Rose doesn't marry anyone.
Rose and the clone Doctor kiss in Journey's End (series 4 episode 13). Although Rose and the real Doctor have kissed, Rose was possessed by Cassandra at the time.
yes then Donna noble makes another human doctor and the doctor(time lord one) tells rose to live with human doctor as they are the same (both doctors)
In every episode of season 1, Bad Wolf has been mentioned. But what does Bad Wolf mean? Well Bad Wolf means a super-being with god-like powers which means that Rose is a super being with god-like powers. Bad Wolf has been mentioned throughout most of the show, from the Moxx of Balhoon describing something as a Bad Wolf scenario to Rose seeing the doctor for the last time (or so she thinks) on Bad Wolf Bay. Bad Wolf is all around Rose.
Yes, K9 will return to Doctor Who on the fourth season finale, accompanied with Sarah Jane, Rose, Martha, Donna, Captain Jack and his team, and Harriet Jones.
Rose and the half human Doctor are still together living in a the parallel world, Rose and the real Doctor were never together.
him and rose got divorsed
There are several moments in the Doctor Who series that are sad and tragic. One such moment was when the Doctor (Matt Smith) sacrificed himself to save the whole Universe resulting in him never existing at all in the "The Big Bang" Season 5 Episode 13 (2010). Another is when Rose Tyler became trapped in a parallel universe and beyond the reach of even the doctor in Season 2 finale - Doomsday (2006). Losing Rose was probably the worst moment for the doctor (David Tennant).
No, Rose Tyler does not return for season 6 of Doctor Who. Her storyline was largely resolved in earlier seasons, and her character does not feature in the later seasons of the show.
No, Rose will not be back in series 5, she is probably gone for good now.
No, she has left for good.
Rose Tyler gets trapped in a parallel universe at the end of the second series of Doctor Who. She returns for a brief appearance in the third series finale, where she gets stranded in the parallel universe again with the Doctor unable to join her permanently.
Yes, Rose returns from the parallel world at the end of episode 12, at the end of episode 13 The Doctor returns her and clone Doctor to her world to live their lives together.
In series 4 of Doctor Who, the Tenth Doctor is joined by his companion, Donna Noble, on various adventures. They encounter recurring villains such as the Daleks and the Ood, and eventually face a universe-threatening event known as "The Medusa Cascade." The season culminates in a emotional finale that sees the Doctor bid farewell to Donna in a heartbreaking twist.
He came in Doctor Who half way through season 1, he was a time agent (people with vortex manipulators) until the time agency stole 1 years worth of memories of his, so he quit. he lived in the 51st century. then he time traveled to world war 1 or 2 (i forget) and met rose and the doctor. later he was going to die so the doctor saved him from an exploding ship and now the doctor, rose and jack all travel together. In the series 1 finale, he got exterminated by a darlek, and rose stared into the heart of the tardis and gained the power to kill all the darlek and bring jack back to life, although now he lives forever and cant die. rose and the doctor leave with out him. he uses his vortex manipulator and bounced back to 20th century, but meant to go to 21st century. he stays in Cardiff and waits for the doctor to return. in the meen time he joins an organisation called Torchwood (the BBC spin off of Doctor Who). there is a rift in Cardiff and sometimes things slip through and Torchwood monitors the rift. later in the 21st century in season 3 of doctor who, the doctor returns. they save the world from the master. then Jack returns to Cardiff. Later in season 4 of doctor who Jack returns. and yeah that's about it
According to Billie Piper in Doctor Who Magazine, she is not going to rule out ever returning to Doctor Who as Rose. However, It seems very unlikely that she will return in series 5. Billie Piper has many other work committments, as well as a baby on the way.