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Rose doesn't marry anyone.

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Q: Who does rose marry on Doctor Who?
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What happened to human doctor will he marry with Rose Tyler?

They were left in the parallel universe, nothing happened after that because that story is finished, Rose got "her Doctor" the end.

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No, he not getting marry soon

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Are the Doctor and Rose still together?

Rose and the half human Doctor are still together living in a the parallel world, Rose and the real Doctor were never together.

Does Rose fancy the Doctor?

Yes, Rose loves the Doctor more than anything and the Doctor actually loves her too.

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Does Rose return to Doctor Who in 2010?

No. Rose won't be with the 11th doctor. you can't be the doctor's ally forever the doctor needs new allys after he regenarates.

Does Rose die in Doctor Who?

no, rose is in parallel world .

Who did Rose McGowan marry?

Rose McGowan married to Davey Detail from 2013 to 2016

How old is Rose Tyler in Doctor Who?

When Rose first meets The Doctor it is stated that she is 19 years of age.

What was the full name of Rose O'Neal Greenhow's daughter?

he rdaughters name was Rose Marry Greenhow