Most likely not. She has been helping film the up coming movie New Moon And also there are millions of wesites for Twilight. -Mass♥
In Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga, Bella's daughter is Renesmee (pronounced Ruh-NEZ-may) Carlie Cullen.
"Crossbreed" is not part of the Twilight Saga created by Stephenie Meyer. It is a fan fiction story about the future of Jacob and Renesmee, the daughter of Bella and Edward. There is a fan-created movie trailer for it as well. Their story was left open-ended in the books, and Stephenie Meyer has said that she could go back and write about them some day.
Stephanie Meyer dreamt about a vampire falling in love with a human and so she got the idea to write the Twilight saga. I don't know what you mean by did she know if she was going to be in the movie though. Hope this helps!
In the "Twilight" Saga novels by Stephenie Meyer, the town where Bella lives is called Forks, Washington. This is an actual town located on the Olympic Peninsula, in the state of Washington. Jacob's place of residence, the Quileute Reservation is also a real location.
well..... she is probably a writer. and writers do that xD Stephenie Meyer had a dream about the twilight universe, Bella and Edward, and all the other stuff that happens in the books (or that's what I was told) and decided to write about it while improving some of the finer points.
Stephenie Meyer.
The Twilight Saga was written by Stephenie Meyer.
Stephenie Meyer received the Number One New York Times Bestseller for her book series: The Twilight Saga.
yes new moon is by Stephenie Meyer all of the books in the twilight saga are by Stephenie Meyer.
Stephenie Meyer
Stephenie Meyer wrote the saga of twilight
The "Twilight" saga was written by Stephenie Meyer.
Stehphenie Meyer's Twilight saga is published by Little Brown Books.
By writing the Twilight Saga.
Stephenie Meyer's influence for writing the Twilight Saga was in a dream that she had. The next morning she wrote down her dream and couldn't stop writing!! TWILIGHT ROCKS!!
The author of the "Twilight" series, which consists of four books, is Stephenie Meyer.
Stephenie Meyer is the creater of the The Twilight Saga: Officialy Guide