Yes. He has an older brother named Johny. He was a busboy when I knew him and then I saw him pumping gas after Pit's fame. He must be doing ok today with all of Pitbull's connections. Hope he's staying clean.
pitbull, dj budda
The pitbull has stronger jaws then a coyote. A pitbull would hert a human, a small dog, even a coyote.
I Would Love to meet Pitbull...So Sexy
Pitbull is a white Hispanic male of Cuban descent.
It is a really big house that pitbull puts lots of money into
yes,but the newboren pitbull might be disformed.
yeah, he has 4 sisters and 1 brother
Yes,he had four sisters and 1 brother
He has 5, 1 brother and 4 sisters
No, he does not.
i think i read some where that he has three brothers and one sister <3 =)
its the bloodline of the pitbull.
When is pitbull's birthday
what blood line is bullie pitbull come from
Rolling a pitbull is an illegal practice to short fight a pitbull for practice.
No there is no such thing as a "Razor PitBull".
Another black nosed Pitbull.