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The pitbull has stronger jaws then a coyote. A pitbull would hert a human, a small dog, even a coyote.

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Q: Is a pitbull more powerful then a coyote?
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I do not recommend it. Its not quite powerful enough

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Short stocky pitbulls typically have a muscular build, broad chest, and a strong jaw. They are known for their compact size and powerful appearance. In comparison to other pitbull breeds, short stocky pitbulls tend to have a more robust and sturdy build, with a lower center of gravity. Their physical appearance is characterized by a more compact and muscular frame, giving them a distinct and powerful look compared to other pitbull breeds.

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Is a rottweiler bite stronger than a pitbull's?

No. A pitbull has a stronger jaw and more aggression in killing/fighting.

Which is more dangerous sharpay or a pitbull?

Any other breed is more dangerous than a pitbull to human beings. Pitbulls become dangerous to humans in rare ocations because the pitbull breed is not agresive toward humans.

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being pure breed

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Which is better-rottweiler or pitbull?

That depends who you ask. I rather have a pitbull. They have stable temperament, are very cooperative with the veterinarians are smarter and easier to teach to obey my commands so I go for the pitbull. Yes pitbulls are very strong, powerful, and loyal rottweilers are not the best breed pitbulls are because pitbulls love their owners they also . Protect and defend their owner no matter if their life's its at risk. If you were to ask me to chose between a pitbull and a rottweiler i go for pitbull

What is the world's strongest's dogs name?

the top 5 strongest dogs and wild dogs are....... 1.wolf 2.pitbull 3.african hunting dogs 4.coyote

Why is a pitbull puppy more mean to you then your boyfriend?

its more good looking