Well, first, I'd send a letter and wait for a response, and ask him!
Well, You can send him an awesome drawing/ videotape. Make sure to put it in a box that is sure to get his attention. And in the box, write a letter asking for him to meet you in person.
where can i write a letter to romeo santos
You can send her fanmail by e-mail, through her website, http://www.mariska.com/
Send his aunt a letter.
meet justin and ask but if you can t meet him send him a letter asking for one and he will send it back
you can only meet him if he comes to shoot a movie or send him a letter
send him a letter i dont know the address though.
Well, first, I'd send a letter and wait for a response, and ask him!
Send her a letter to this address: Madison Pettis Untitled Entertainment 1801 Century Park E.
do gigs and post on youtube send demos.
Leia's family lives in the ocean. You can never meet them but they send her a letter if you get her Yellow Heart Event.
if you want to meet selena at first you must meet me or send me an Email me rafiamini12@yahoo.com
Well, You can send him an awesome drawing/ videotape. Make sure to put it in a box that is sure to get his attention. And in the box, write a letter asking for him to meet you in person.
You look everywhere for his address and send him a letter.
you send it to the Ellenshow.com