yes..well Joe Jonas plays Joe Lucas in the Jonas Brothers' new show on Disney Channel, JONAS.
Kevin Jonas has the most IQ, at least, that is what most websites say.... but it could be nick or joe, but in the movies, i think they want Kevin to look not that smart so that it adds humor
Joe Jonas is alergic to shrimp.
Joe Jonas has 1 child
The isn't a character in Harry Potter named Joe Jonas. Joe Jonas is the lead singer for the band The Jonas Brothers.
Many can assume. He seems like a good guy with a nice sense of humor!
He has a great sense of humor and is always joking around.
Joe says he likes a girl with a good sense of humor well i think joe likes alot of things in girls 1 of them which is optional is being funny
the only one that 100% truly knows that is Joe himself. But in interviews he says he looks for someone who understands his busy schedule, a girl with a good sense of humor, someone that has not a wacky but instead an unusual sense of style without being too revealing. XOXO, Meghan
joe Jonas prefers his hair longg :) it's commmen sense he never had his hair shortt !
Of Course !
Yes he will
no but good question
joe is joe Jonas nick is nick Jonas Kevin is Kevin Jonas
He would never.he is to cute and to good looking to start doing that.he's smarter then that. i love you joe jonas.
I'm going to go with a no. Just some good acting On Joe's part. :)
joe jonas