yes but it is more of a crush than love that is why chikorita gets jealous of pikachu
Ash in Pokemon??
All I know is that ash does not love angie because he thought she waza boy when they first met an i cant blame him! EDIT I think that Angie does have a crush on Ash, but Ash doesn't return the feelings and sees her as a friend.
May of course!
At least to me, Latias has a visible crush on Ash and I believe Latias was the one who kissed Ash at the end of the movie(Pokemon Heroes)
YES!!! ...Not really...I love you Ash! :)
Ash found his Chikorita in the episode that was titled "The Chikorita Rescue" however other Chikorita he has found is Casey's Chikorita who first appeared in the episode that was titled "The Double Trouble Header" and Lyra's Chikorita who first appeared in the episode that was titled "An Egg Scramble."
Ash's Chikorita evolved into Bayleef in the episode titled "Current Events."
Ah, what a happy little question! Chikorita evolves into Bayleef in the episode called "Current Events" in the Johto League Champions season. Just like how our paintings evolve with each brushstroke, Ash's Chikorita blossomed into a beautiful Bayleef on its journey.
season 3 ep 10.
The only I know of is Chikorita which he evolved to Bayleef, but not Magnanium.
ash and may are in love
I believe it was the 2nd season in Johto, "Johto Champions". I'm not 100 % sure, but about 95.
The Pokémon Ash had in Johto were Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charizard, Squirtle, Heracross, Chikorita/Bayleef, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Beedrill, Phanpy,Espeon, Snorlax, Larvitar and a shiny Noctowl.His party Pokemon are Pikachu Heracross Chikorita/Bayleef Cyndaquil Totodile Espeon And Phanpy (I think it evolved into Donphan)
Ash in Pokemon??
In the 3rd season "Pokémon Johto" Ash catches in-order Heracross, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile and a shiny Noctowl.
Yes, yes she totally, truelly true, and romantically love ash!!!!!!!!!!!!