The Pokémon Ash had in Johto were Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charizard, Squirtle, Heracross, Chikorita/Bayleef, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Beedrill, Phanpy,Espeon, Snorlax, Larvitar and a shiny Noctowl.His party Pokemon are Pikachu Heracross Chikorita/Bayleef Cyndaquil Totodile Espeon And Phanpy (I think it evolved into Donphan)
charizard burning ambition i think
Ash went there because he lose the Kanto League in the anime. Now, if you're talking about RED, that's other topic, as Ash has NEVER appeared in any main game.
There are 100 johto Pokemon in all.
She liked him. As for who she is, I think she was a red haired trainer with glasses who used slugma in the late Johto arch. If I am mistaking her for someon else, then I am sorry. I do remember that the red haired trainer with glasses in the late Johto arch had a crush on Ash, but I don't remember her name or whether she asked Ash on a date.
Ash caught a Gligar in Johto. He caught it in the episode "Riding the Winds of Change!". His Gligar would later evolve into Gliscor.
Do you mean in the series> if so thentotodilequilavanoctowlBayleefHeracrossandPikachu of course
he has a donphan, a pikachu, a quilava, a heracross, a noctowl, a bayleef, and a totodile
charizard burning ambition i think
I beilev it was his Phanpy egg which eolved into donphan.
The only I know of is Chikorita which he evolved to Bayleef, but not Magnanium.
In the 3rd season "Pokémon Johto" Ash catches in-order Heracross, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile and a shiny Noctowl.
After you beat ash, you've beaten the whole game. So just do all of the side quests and stuff. Have fun rebattleing ash and Pokemon elite four and champion of johto.
Ash went there because he lose the Kanto League in the anime. Now, if you're talking about RED, that's other topic, as Ash has NEVER appeared in any main game.
yes after you beat them you can defeat ash, his Pokemon are level 80, after you defeat him then you can go to a whole another region! Johto
There are 100 johto Pokemon in all.
well may said that she will go to the johto to do the competions there. maybe after that she joins ash again.