Ash went there because he lose the Kanto League in the anime. Now, if you're talking about RED, that's other topic, as Ash has NEVER appeared in any main game.
charizard burning ambition i think
You can't get to the johto region in firered.
No you don't.
no you can't go to jhoto......
U get all the Pokemon you can't go to the johto region in pkmn ruby/Sapphire you can only do that in Pokemon emerald
Do you mean in the series> if so thentotodilequilavanoctowlBayleefHeracrossandPikachu of course
well may said that she will go to the johto to do the competions there. maybe after that she joins ash again.
yes after you beat them you can defeat ash, his Pokemon are level 80, after you defeat him then you can go to a whole another region! Johto
sorry. There is no way to get to johto with Pokemon leaf.
no you can not go to johto reigon on Pokemon red the only game that i know that you can go to johto is gold,silverand crystal version
he has a donphan, a pikachu, a quilava, a heracross, a noctowl, a bayleef, and a totodile
charizard burning ambition i think
No but in Pokemon crystal you can go from johto to kanto to johto etc.!!!
You can't get to the johto region in firered.
I beilev it was his Phanpy egg which eolved into donphan.