They never told Charlie that Bella was dead. They said that she was sick and needed time to recover.
only charlie (bellas dad) know that she is a vampire but that is not untill after she has renesmee and renee thinks she is sick (her mom)
Bella's dad's name is Charlie Swan and her step dads name is Phil!
Jakes dad is dead
Bella names her daughter Renesmee [After her mother: Renee, and Edward's mother for all intents and purposes: Esme].
He plays minor league baseball and gets signed for some team in the first book, I guess.
only charlie (bellas dad) know that she is a vampire but that is not untill after she has renesmee and renee thinks she is sick (her mom)
Bella's dad's name is Charlie Swan and her step dads name is Phil!
for Renesmee Carlie Cullen it means Charlie Bellas dad and Carlisle Edwards "dad" names mixed in to a girls name
I do not think Keri hilson is dead because she is in the video [GOT YOUR BACK] with TI so yeah
If your dad found a dead cow on the side of the road and brought it home to eat for dinner would you? What do you think the toad thinks when he see's a dead fly. exactly what you think about the dead cow.
Dad's Dead was created in 2003.
Yes Charlie (Bellas dad) finds out that Edward is a vampire because Bella tell him also he finds out for himself a bit
Yes, his dad is dead.
The meaning of did dad say as dad did is the dad did whatever his dad told him to do.
Bella's step-dad, Phil Dwyer, is a minor league baseball player, although his career is not the focus of the story in the Twilight series.
Well MIne found out because I told my stepmom and she actually told my dad. But hes your dad, just tell him.