well, there are a lot of different answers to this question because people have different ideas who Ash loves.
For me, i would say he loves Dawn because he always supports her at her contests, which he never did with May: He just trained outside and just asked May how she did afterwards.
And with Misty, there were a lot of hints that she liked him, but Ash carries very few showing he shows barely any feeling towards the gingerhaired girl, however with pearlshipping (AshXDawn), both point of views are carried out equally, showing they have more in common and are equally loyal to the other, making the friendship stronger and more supportive.
hi im improving this yea dawn will get ash....ash asked dawn to dance (he never asked may or misty misty asked him though)but dawn disagreed.ash saved dawn plenty of times. ash is always supporting dawn they agreed to have a lovley friendship. dawn always worries for ash.misty likes ash but ash does not have feelings for her.ash never supports may in her contests
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He loves dawn
grrrr i hate people who think that he loves the person hes travailing with. i think out of misty, may or dawn. this is my opinion hmmmm..... my vote goes to may for many reason.
I dis-agree with the answers above. I don't think he loves anybody, just "like-like" somebody. And that would be Misty. Why? I'll show you:
1- The hints were more vivid. Advance, Pearl, and the newest, NegaiShipping don't really prove to have vivid hints. They seemed too friendly and brotherly/sisterly, while Ash and Misty got jealous and either got angry and/or blushed when someone would imply they were a couple.
2- "...however the writers in Japan have stated there is a mild crush going on but they are too young to realize their feelings." (Source: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Shipping:Pok%C3%A9Shipping , under Anime Evidence). The writers ONLY said this about PokéShipping, and not in Pearl or Advance or NegaiShipping.
3- It seems like the creators of Pokémon are trying to keep Misty's character a live, for some reason. We've seen her at least once every region, and we haven't seen her yet in Unova, but it seems very likely for her to get a mention.
4- Misty gave a couple of things to Ash (the handkerchief and lure) and in the episode "Buizel Your Way Out of This!" he seemed very protective of the lure and did not let Dawn use it. He also introduced the handkerchief in one AG episode (I have no idea which one). The creators didn't have to show those 2 things for no reason.
5- Pikachu is one of the reasons why I support PokéShipping so much. Pikachu always had an instant liking toward Misty, and would always be excited to see her (like in "The Right Place and the Right Mime"). I recall Prof. Oak saying that a Pokémon expresses feelings of the trainer towards the other person. (Also, in the episode "Water Flowers of Cerulean", Pikachu does not want to battle Misty because he likes Misty too much, and I personally love that moment).
Here are a few videos to help my case- http://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=FBwXm0vne_U ;
Now, I respect all shippings, but here are the reason why I think Ash would most likely have a crush on Misty.
no ash and dawn do not planing to get married ash and may planing to get married not ash and dawn or ash and misty
He has no girlfriend, at least not officially. It could be May, Misty, or Dawn.
Well i am not 100 percent sure if ash likes any of the girls dawn no may and misty are tied because one they show feeling well sort of for misty and they are HOT and i think misty and may are going to battle for marring ash.
In the windmill episode with Laura, she had asked Dawn about her relationship with Ash, and she was defensive about it, meaning she may have some feelings for Ash. And many other characters have noticed this about the pair, even Kenny noticed this and let Dawn go with Ash. In short, Dawn may have liked Ash, but as Ash can only think of Pokemon, he is not likely going to notice any girls like that for a very long time.
I can't be sure who Ash marries because there is no episode where he is old enough to be married yet, but in the episode "The Heartbreak of Brock," Ash says he wonders what it would be like if Brock was married, and Misty said to ash "Some day we'll be married," but then realizes what she said and kind of blushes when Ash looks at her in suprise, shock and (admiration). I dothink Ash will marry Misty because it was always meant to be and they secretly have a huge crush on each other. Ash also will marry Mist because she is strong, independant, beautiful, and is a very good Pokemon trainer, unlike May and Dawn. May and Dawn are pretty baby-ish. THey really can't fend for themselves, they're such girly-girls, and all they care about is showing off their Pokemon like they're little dress-up dolls. Misty ♥ Ash forever.
its only misty noot may or dawn only misty.
misty,may,and dawn
Ash and dawn might be in love, but this is all i can tell you misty does like ash, but not love him she likes Gary, May likes drew, and iris likes that guy with the green hair. This is what i think Dawn likes ash but ash does not know it anyway they would be a good couple
Misty and Ash were always meant to be and Dawn and May are whiney, girly, little babies. Misty ♥ Ash forever.
no ash and dawn do not planing to get married ash and may planing to get married not ash and dawn or ash and misty
ash likes......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
If i was Ash i would pick Misty XD
No! Dawn, Misty, and May all have crushes on Ash. Anyway, Gary isn't the kind of guy to fall in love with, lol. Besides, Gary Oak is a rival of Ash's. I don't think Dawn would love Ash's rival, lol.
Ash likes all his friends. but if you mean by love, no one really knows whether its misty, may, or dawn.